⭕New Trend.. Exclusive coverage of the latest developments in Sudanese events.. Saturday May 4, 2024

Al-Burhan arrives in Türkiye for the funeral of his son, Mohamed Abdel Fattah…

🔴Turkish Media: The death of the son of the President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council was due to his exposure to a road accident in Ankara, Turkey, which caused him to be seriously injured while riding his motorcycle, and the circumstances of death. accidents were not reported….

Al-Burhan's son fell to the ground, a few meters from his bike, and was taken to Bilkent hospital. Despite medical interventions, he died from his serious injuries.

🔴A surprising agreement between Al-Kabashi and Al-Hilu in Juba to deliver aid to areas controlled by the movement and the army in South Kordofan.

🔴The militia continues to mobilize its forces to invade El Fasher, North Darfur

🔴An increase in the number of arrivals in Egypt increases the economic and security burden

The leaders of the Mahamid tribe disavow Musa Hilal and declare their support for the rebel militias.

🔴East Nile emergency room resumes work at 9 water stations after fuel availability

🔴The World Food Program warns of a famine in El Fasher due to the conflict.

🔴Displaced people from Atbara complain of lack of water and electricity after being evicted from accommodation centers and schools.

🔴Death of journalist and director of My Country Radio, “Aboud Saif Al-Din”

🔴3 people were killed in the village of Marioud Rifi Tabet following the militia attack.

The suffering of refugees in the “Ulala” and “Comer” camps in Ethiopia continues for the fourth day due to deteriorating security.

🌍 Sudanese cities 🔰 <<>>

🔰•Nirti, Central Darfur. ….

_ #Nirtiti town is one of the largest towns in Al-Jabal West locality in Central Darfur State, located in western Sudan, within the five Darfur states.

_ Nirti town is located east of Zalingei town in Central Darfur, about 60 km away, and the national highway that connects West, Central and South Darfur State to the rest of the towns runs through it and regions of Darfur. Sudan.

Its population is more than 120,000 inhabitants. Among its most important districts are the Al-Umda district, formerly Khor Jahannam, the Al-Istirah district, the Rijal Banu district, the Qa'r Al-Jabal district, the Garsila district and. the Kumbi district.

_ Origin of the name: The word “Nirta” is originally “Nirta Teo”, but the most common and common pronunciation among the people is “Nirta Tey” in Fur language, which means a room washed clean and pure, and the similarity is the form or nature of the place and its cleanliness.

_ Agriculture: Agriculture is considered the main resource and a fundamental pillar of the economy of the population, since it is practiced on the banks of the valleys, in addition to grazing: there are a large number of livestock, especially camels , cows and sheep.

In Nirti, there is the biggest stopover for tourists who go sightseeing and trekking at the charming Qalul and Murtajlo waterfalls. The region is therefore rich and full of biodiversity resources and sources of tourism, including steep waterfalls.

_ Niratti Zat is a charming and diverse natural landscape, where all kinds of fruit trees, pine trees and other rare trees abound. And when you're at the top and you look down, you see clouds and rain falling from it at the top or the top. clearly below you…

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