60 million dollars.. Oh slanderer ✍️ Dear Al-Khair

I have already spoken about the influence and great expansion of a number of personalities and their control over the economic scene of Port Sudan in particular. This influence has been greatly manifested in recent days and with the Bank of Sudan receiving an amount of 120 million dollars. the guest. A. It is money belonging to the government of Sudan which was in the possession of one of the well-known figures, but pressure from the government made this person recognize the amount and hand it over to the Bank of Sudan here. This is completely normal. and the diligence of government agencies is appreciated, but what is abnormal is the confusion that occurred from the moment the amount was received, where it was transferred. These numbers have influence, and the oldest of them received an amount of 60 million dollars, yes. 60 million dollars, from so-called oil arrears for his own account, because he claims to demand millions of dollars from the government, knowing that oil products are sold to the government with an interest rate above 500%. which enter the bellies of those who claim patriotism and loyalty to the homeland, in a time when the citizen begs to be hungry, but there is no life for the one you call. He took $60 million in cold blood and delivered it. depreciates at an insane rate. Where is the patriotism, where is the loyalty, the extraordinary greed and the gain and profits on the blood of the martyrs, and unfortunately the series of injustice and oppression continues for these good oppressed people..azizalkhier

The development of these events has put the governor of the Bank of Sudan on the verge of death, but the control of these people has tipped the scales in their favor, no one can stand up to them, and they control the prices of the products oil tankers. in a very scary way. They want to make millions during the cursed war period and climb on the shoulders of this country, for God's sake, what do you deserve from this ugly act and illegal gain? What is the advantage of the poor citizen when you buy apartments, farms and villas? What is the benefit of the Sudanese people when you monopolize the most important basic and service materials for your own benefit and that of the expansion of your empire? Is it shameful that we remain silent? about these horrible acts which are no less a crime against the people…azizalkhier.

The increase in media empire will not benefit you and will turn against you in one day, fear God for the sake of the nation. 60 million dollars, slander

Tomorrow we will talk about the remaining amount, the remaining 60 million, which was distributed among certain characters according to the first aid plan intended to help these figures and not to help the economy of the nation. We will continue to reveal the fate of these 60 million. where did it go and how was part of it smuggled into one of the sister countries. Why keep silent about this? The corruption that has taken a nosedive is killing the nation's best, and some are making millions at the expense of the country? livelihood of these poor people. The laws must be activated and the hand of economic security must be released, and after that we will see these beneficiaries quickly escape. Simply enable Economic Security with full device authority. and the dollar. That's another story, and unfortunately the conflict of interest continues within Sudanese banks. We will return to this subject with details and the names of the currency traders that Economic Security knows by name.


*Dear God*



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