(70) Sudanese Army General ✍️ Salah Ahmudi

0 Today we celebrate, boast, be proud and cherish our army, the Sudanese Army

We say with the poet of the army (and the protectorate)

Hey, agents, everything is fine, our leaders and our leader, Yahoo, the army (our army is Qoqo), the heroes of the armed forces led by Commander Al-Burhan, who taught and founded many armies that are currently fighting us. They have seen with their own eyes the firmness, courage and technique that will be taught in the greatest academies in the world.

0 Many people still say today that the army does not work. Come and see and go back to the beginning of this cowardly war, how the Presidential Guard courageously defended its commander and how it absorbed the shock despite the crowds and the weapons it brought. v. Rapid support for the assassination of the commander and military leaders, and then the occupation of Sudan by the countries that provided them with equipment and supplies.

0And throughout the war, which lasted almost a year and a half, they could not break the determination of the military who love khaki and die to protect the land and honor.

0 An army that is 70 years old and its mercenaries, the Dagalo, cannot seize it or touch and desecrate the land of Sudan.

An army that fights across the country, unshakable as mountains and victorious on all fronts, despite the presence of the “fifth column”, traitors, bribes, usurers, dollar agents and the conspiracy of certain neighboring and colonial powers.

0 On this holiday, we congratulate the leaders, officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of our armed forces in all areas of operations, and we affirm our position and support for our army, the Army of our God.

We repeat: “O agents, we have an army, and Yahoo is our chief and leader.”

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