With independence, political, economic and social decision-making was achieved – scenes and evidence – ✍️ Absher Shajarabi
Independence is a great occasion in which all the Sudanese people unite, and we hope for it now. As for the political events, they are successive, linked to the fate of Sudan, the establishment of peace and the confrontation with the challenges which follow one another. day and night, 24 hours a day, in various forums. On the other hand, there are clear achievements of the armed forces, with praise from the citizen. Likewise, independence means a lot and freedom from slavery and is great and broad. ambitions and hopes, it is also to hold the political, economic and social decision which is responsible for achieving the elevation of the nation, which requires that everyone act, including The problems that the country is facing since the resignation of the governor until today, which led to this horrible war, but there is great hope for the true friends of Sudan. We have before us the Turkish initiative, which we hope will be accepted by everyone. work there and benefit from the experiences of previous initiatives, notably those of Qatar, and find solutions to the problems of the Sudanese people.
Independence means everything, but we are yet to reap the fruits of independence!!! Especially in the process of union and unity, in the process of combating poverty and unemployment and in implementing the goals of independence by building strong civil and military services, much progress has been made , but many people long for their past situation. and the comfortable life, peace, security and high standards in education, sports, art and in all aspects of life enjoyed by the Sudanese.
We hope to overcome the state of war we find ourselves in and be among the developed countries, especially since Sudan has diverse resources and we are optimistic about the victories of the armed forces.
We are celebrating the anniversary of independence (69) and plots are being prepared against the country with many projects against unity, values, principles and directions, and we must overcome all these projects with our determination, our strength and steadfastness and free us from bondage, except to God Almighty.
Independence is a necessary necessity, but the main thing is to achieve our goals. We must unite, accept others, plan for the future and pay attention to nationalism without intolerance to tribalism. We deserve it too. We focus on quality, not quantity. We are turning to agricultural, livestock and industrial production. The Sudanese people are a great people and must get what they want.
Happy New Year everyone