War as a test of patriotism, the role of banks in supporting the economy and society during crises, and the Bank of the Nile and the right to honor (Episode two) – (2_2) – Murmurs of letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

In the previous episode, we discussed the efforts of the Nile Bank to support the agricultural campaign in Gedaref State and some other states which enjoy security. This bank was certain that this was a consequence of the complex economic conditions facing Sudan. of this war will perhaps not allow it to fully recover its rights, but the public interest required it to move forward with this difficult decision, and it is clear that the bank, despite all the challenges linked to inflation destroying a large part of its capital, was expected in such circumstances, which led to an increase in the production ceiling in terms of costs, but the bank was able to overcome all these challenges, because it did not had in mind only one strategic objective, that to save the agricultural season at all costs, and this happened because the management and the will of its staff were not like other timid departments and the wills like in other banks were up to par that in reality they were (statesmen) and they were in the field. place. And when the time came, they put the general interests before their own. They had nothing in their arsenal other than strengthening the country's food security and supporting citizens at the time of this devastating crisis in the body of the national economy.

Needless to say, the Nile Bank played a pivotal role in alleviating the cargo overcrowding crisis at the port of Port Sudan, especially at a time when most banks were either out of service or running out of stock. check books, as the bank allowed its customers. and others to use bank checks to clear their goods piled up in the barns, and this procedure made it possible to accelerate the flow of goods and avoid a significant gap in the market, in addition to avoiding the financial losses resulting fines resulting from. Delay in customs clearance.

Through our careful reading of such situations, we have found that Banque du Nile, through the services it provided, confirms beyond all suspicion and conclusively that this bank was not seeking to make financial gains or to avoid losses, but rather sought to play a much more important role than that of the Bank of the Nile. This is about ensuring the sustainability of agriculture and achieving food stability which leads to the stability of the state. Through this challenge, the Sudanese people had signs of victory that were imminent, because God will not defeat a people. There are people with such values, who carry within themselves the concerns of the state at a time when other people were busy with their own concerns, especially since no one asked the bank to take this historical position. They had the highest praise for this guy. of initiative, which had an impact. The long-term positive impact on the health of the national economy comes through this support for the agricultural sector, which is one of the fundamental pillars of the health of the Sudanese economy.

At the same time and successively, the State must adopt a clear position, commensurate with the commitment of banks in such initiatives, which is attributed to it in its moral scale, and it was supposed to play its positive role in strengthening this commitment by making the favor between the two tranches (and the reward for charity is nothing other than charity). This is done through the continued support of the State to any bank that presents itself as Bank of the Nile, whether this support takes the form of financial facilities or protecting the banking infrastructure by creating opportunities for them through. .. government deposits, or involve these banks in government collection services for public institutions through banking windows, so the government should have stimulated national banks that have shown a clear commitment to the national interest, instead of deliberately ignoring their role during this crisis, and doing so Does this make sense, Your Excellency Al-Burhan? .

The war was a moral test for the banking sector in Sudan, as some banks demonstrated real national commitment to supporting the national economy, while others failed to do so, and everyone knows that they have not assumed this national moral responsibility. , and the government should have rewarded banks that demonstrated their value and cooperation. In this difficult stage, instead of demolishing it, the Bank of the Nile represented this young, national and original bank, whose great role in the exit of the Sudanese economy. And resolve the loss.

The absence of a culture of preservation of rights and the absence of the principle of compensation in the political and administrative systems of the country constitute grim implications for national initiatives, and this is what has placed private institutions like the Bank of the Nile in a position of ignorance in relation to As experience has shown, they have risen to the challenge as institutions more useful and capable of dealing with crises and contributing to the improvement of the social and economic situation of the country, it is certain that the bank can overcome this issue in the absence. of sufficient support from the state, especially since he proved his worth and patriotism in supporting the national economy, He contributed directly to resolving the national concerns of the people at a very difficult time.

The initiatives undertaken by Bank of the Nile, in its tireless efforts to support food security and the agricultural sector, will not go unnoticed. We call on the State to do him justice, and we tip our hats to him and his staff. have proven their value and ability to manage crises. He occupied people's hearts even though… He was not directly or immediately compensated by the state. These actions will remain engraved in the conscience of the authentic Sudanese people and their perpetrators. will remain heroes for the people. History will immortalize their fragrant biography in its most beautiful pages, and will not forget the formidable national efforts they made to face the crisis.

I conclude that history will witness its course, and that God is the best of witnesses, and that destinies are in the hands of God and that he moves them as he wishes, and that the days pass among the people, and that the people I will always remember them for their good deeds and for standing by them in difficult times and especially during this war.

And God is behind the intention

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