The Blue Nile wildlife protection project… strategic partnerships, highlighting the importance of livestock vaccination and awareness

Afaq for Peace and Development, with the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and in cooperation with the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Pastures of the Blue Nile region, began implementing a project to protect livestock assets and restore the livelihoods of livestock breeders. through livestock interventions represented during awareness sessions on the importance of livestock vaccination and livestock vaccination campaigns in Al-Rusairs and Wad Al-Mahi governorates.

Afaq Organization for Peace and Development is one of the leading national organizations and since its establishment in 2021, it has been working in several sectors, and its project implementation policies are based on working in accordance with international standards in defining and implementing activities with the participation of beneficiaries from planning and identification of needs at all stages of the project, in addition to the participation of competent authorities for coordination and engagement. Work policies and guidelines of relevant ministries.

The project to protect the livestock and restore the livelihoods of Blue Nile herders is one of the fruits of the strategic partnership and cooperation between the Afaq Organization for Peace and Development, the Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) and the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Pastures, especially since the project components and interventions touch on important aspects in the field of protection (awareness of the importance of vaccination – And vaccination campaigns), since the project targets 355,000 doses to vaccinate livestock.

For its part, the Afaq Organization for Peace and Development, in cooperation with FAO, planned to implement the project by selecting specialized camps with the participation of specialists from the Ministry of Livestock to complete the first phase raising awareness of the importance of vaccination. and disease survey, counting and registration of beneficiaries in targeted communities in Al-Rusairs and Wad Al-Mahi governorates. The specialized camps accomplished their mission successfully.

During in-depth surveys on awareness and extension activities, small producers and breeders in the targeted communities confirmed that they had benefited from the awareness sessions on the importance of livestock vaccination and were satisfied with the arrival of specialized camps in the villages and in Al-Furqan. , which had a good impact on the hearts of the targeted people.

Al-Zein Rahma (Veterinary Assistant) said that the awareness and orientation sessions provided strong doses and helped raise awareness among shepherds in particular, and corrected many traditional concepts and methods of livestock vaccination.

He expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Afaq Organization for Peace and Development, FAO and livestock executives for raising awareness among breeders and introducing them to disease vectors and the need for rational use of medicines. As veterinary assistants, they confirm their full support. the success of the project, calling for an increase in the number of veterinary collaborators in villages and rural areas and their training in the next stage.

Sheikh Muhammad Ahmed Abdel Rahman, Sheikh of the village of Umm Bard, in the rural north of Al-Rusairs, expressed his complete satisfaction and benefited from the awareness session organized for the herders of the village of Umm Bard to to preserve health. and livestock safety, especially as the recent period has been marked by the emergence of animal diseases and the need for urgent interventions.

He added that as societies, they are fully willing to cooperate in the implementation of vaccination campaigns.

Hajj Maryam Adam Haroun (breeder) from Al-Duwayma village explained that she was happy to attend the awareness and orientation session with the participation of a number of women working in livestock breeding from the village . She is committed to passing on the information. to the rest of the women of the village and urged them to prepare for the livestock vaccination campaign. Maryam stressed the need to pay attention to productive women.

Sheikh Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed (Deputy Sheikh of Al-Duwayma Village) added that the awareness session was important and through it they learned how to monitor the health of animals, notice symptoms and use medicines correctly.

He renewed their availability to cooperate with the Afaq Organization for Peace and Development and the FAO.

In the same context, Hassan Al-Jabarti (breeder) and a veterinary assistant from the village of Taiba Al-Bilalab expressed their thanks and appreciation to FAO and the Afaq Organization for Peace and Development, noting that the interventions of the project contribute to protecting livestock, achieving stability and increasing production.

Mr. Omar Othman Musa, Vice-Sheikh of Abu Zar village, explained that the sensitization session helped raise awareness on the importance of vaccination, as well as how to preserve pastures, follow the feeding livestock and informing them in the field. in the event of the appearance of illnesses.

Othman called for the importance of maintaining awareness programs for breeders

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