The Moral Orientation Department of the 3rd Infantry Division…is prepared to deal with such suicide attempts

Colonel Hafez Fath al-Rahman, director of the Military Information and Moral Guidance Department of the 3rd Infantry Division, said that the 3rd Infantry Division is in good standing and has sufficient equipment and equipment to protect Shindi and the State. The division handled the event with the utmost professionalism by monitoring and then responding. Staff Colonel Hafiz Fath al-Rahman added that the anti-aircraft weapons on the ground, after surveillance, blew up the two steps in the blink of an eye and the noises. that were heard concerned anti-tank weapons

He added that Al-Bashriyyat is about to liberate the Khartoum refinery and that it is under siege from all sides and is suffocating. The Director of Moral Guidance of the Third Division confirmed that Major General Hamdan Abdel Qader, Commander of the Third Infantry Division. , division commanders, officers and soldiers are at peak morale and are attentive to every little and big thing. He added that life is normal.

In the locality of Shendi, the armed forces and the armed popular resistance are in full force, equipped and ready, and the eyes of the cowards have fallen asleep.

God is great and the glory belongs to Sudan

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