Director of the General Administration of Culture, Information and Communications in the Locality of Shendi and the return of Al -Tawil of the Domains of Combat – The History of Al -Barsh – Thirteen days

▫️ The relatives gathered by a sunny day, the story of Al -Barsh was launched on the thirteenth day, where relatives gathered in the spacious space. It was a day filled with existence and tales, in which the true sense of humanity was reduced. A great gathering of drama which added a particular flavor for this day emerged, and among them was the veteran of the Fakhaim Sayyid Ahmed, Sabahi, the king of the Blink, and Ahmed al -Tawil al -zarif, who returned from the front lines is the soldier with the weapon of transport, to participate in this lively atmosphere.

▫️ He gave guests of different bands, who came without tickets or permission, their entry into this place was not only a bridge to participate, but was an expression of emotional links.

▫️ A guest of honor today, Professor Alam Al -Din Moussa, Director of the General Department of Culture, Information and Communications in the locality of Shenddi and owner of the house, participated in this wonderful human, social and cultural beauty.

▫️ where the hands were extended to give, and love was their title.

▫️ The meal and the guest lady, the colleague habit banqa, prepared my porridge Naima, who dominated the situation with his originality and her rituals, as if each class of the table tells a heritage story. Various dishes, from the astonishing duo of EXTA and NAHLA, flock to the table, as if they were artistic paintings which express the cultural richness of the region. Amani Al -Tayyib came in charge of kindness, which was not only food, but an incarnation of love and the gift of everyone. As for Elham Habib, the guests were surprised by their innovative creativity, which gave an atmosphere of hospitality and generosity, which is the essence that reflects the strength of human ties between the public. Consequently, this day will remain distinguished in the history of the nozzle, and its memories will remain stuck in the mind as a lighthouse which illuminates hope and love.

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