This happened that day on March 14, as well as events that day with the Hijri 14 Ramadan calendar


1932 – The release of the children of the sons, which is the first speaking Arab film.

1939 – The German armies enter Prague and control the remaining Czechoslovakia.

1958 – The racist government in South Africa prohibits the party of the African National Congress.

1978 – Israel begins to invade southern Lebanon in what is called the Litani operation.

1988 – The first celebration of the day of the question, which was founded by the physicist scientist Larry Show.

1991 -The emir of the state of Kuwait, Sheikh Jaber Al -Ahmad Al -Sabah, returns to Kuwait after an absence which lasted about seven months due to the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait, and the streets were filled with the future.

2003 – Recep Tayyip Erdogan takes over the presidency of Türkiye.

2004 – Vladimir Putin was elected president of Federal Russia.

2005 – A major demonstration in Beirut in the accomplishment of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and demanding that the Syrian army leave Lebanon and began what was called the Rice revolution, and the demonstration only ended after the Syrian army completely left Lebanon.

2014 – The White House is talking about new information that the Malaysian plane lost continued to fly for hours after its disappearance from radar screens.

2016 – Russian President Vladimir Putin announces the partial withdrawal of the Russian forces participating in the Syrian war.



1681 – Gyorg Philip Telman, German musician.

1804 – Johann Strauss, Austrian music.

1835 – Giovanni Skabarley, Italian scientist in astronomy.

1844 – King Hombert I, king of the kingdom of Italy. 1854 – Powell Erlet, a German doctor with a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1908.

1879 – Albert Einstein, American / Swiss theoretical physicist of German origin who won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921.

1903 Mustafa Barzani, Kurdish chief.

** Mahmoud Ahmed Al – Sayed, Iraqi novelist, journalist and translator.

1908 – Morris Merlo Ponte, French philosopher.

1921 – Rajeh Al -Salafiti, Palestinian poet and singer.

1933 – Michael Kane, English actor.

** Queens Jones, an American producer

1936 – Aziz Mohoub, Moroccan actor.

1948 – Billy Crystal, American actor.

1958 – Albert II, Prince of Monaco.

1965 – Amir Khan, actor, director and Indian producer.

1970 – Lotfi al -Abdali, Tunisian actor and dancer.

1975 – Steve Harper, English football player.

1977 – Nuke Matsouda, Japanese football player.

1979 – Nicolas Anilka, a French football player.

** Clean, an American actor.

** Arsenio Sebastoyo, Angolan football player.

1980 – Hassan Al -Masry, Lebanese actor.

** Safaa Sultan, a Jordanian actress.

1983 – Remas Mansour, a Saudi actress.

1986 – Jimmy Bell, English actor.



1811 – August Fitzroy, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

1882 -HASHEM AL -MOUSAWI AL -AHSAI, FAKIH JAAFARI and Saudi legal judge.

1883 – Karl Marx, philosopher, politician, journalist and German social view.

1926 – IRJ Mirza, an Iranian poet.

** Ali Yassin al -Alaq, Fakih Jaafari and an Iraqi poet.

1940 – Gabriel Busanner, the first woman in medicine in Austria.

1988 – Abdul Latif Muhammad al -Ghanem, President of the Kuwaitian Constituent Assembly.

1995 – William Fowler, an American physicist who won the Nobel Physics Prize in 1983.

1998 – Abdul Rahman Al -Ryani, President of the Arab Republic of Yemen.

2018 – Stephen Hawking, British physicist.

2021 – MANNIER AL -ABOUSHI, Palestinian politician.


Holidays and events:

⬅️ Day number i.

⬅️ White day in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.

Estonian language day in Estonia.

It happened this day

Hijri calendar

14 Ramadan


132 Ah -The Abbasides enter the city of Damascus, the capital of the Omeyyads, where the Omeyyad state collapsed after an age lower, and the children of Al -Abbas took over the state for a period of more than five centuries, the first was Aba Al -Abbas al -Saffah. The omeyyads followed the omeyyads, and they killed all those who won them, and only Abd Al -rahman escaped inside, nicknamed the Faucon de Quraysh; Where he fled and established his country in Andalusia.

145 Ah – Muhammad was killed by the Soul Zaki with a group of Muslims in place of oil stones near Medina in the hands of the army of Abu Jaafar Al -Mansour after having revolted against the Abbasides.

264 AH – Muslims open the city of Sarkania in Sicily.

359 AH – Place the foundation stone and start building the Al -Azhar mosque in Cairo, and was built in about two years.

492 AH – The best Fatimid Minister, Shahnshah, arrives with his army in Ashkelon, where he sent to the Crusaders to reprimand them on the Alliance of the Alliance and attacked them by the Fatimid State after the agreement between them and the Fatides had to be allies against the Abbasid Selers, but they responded to the best messengers and followed during their return and followed the mergers.

748 Ah – The state of the Sultan Hassan Bin Al -Nasseur Muhammad Qalawun on Egypt and the Levant, he took office, and he was not absolute in the discipline of state affairs, and he is the owner of the greatest Islamic impact in Egypt, known as Sultan Hassan School.

829 AH – Sultan Barsbay names the prince, Al -Saki is linked to the army commander.

832 AH – Sultan Barsbay appoints judge Ibn Al -Haisim, looking at the office of the singular and quickly resigned.

922 Ah – Toman Bay took over the sultanate throne in Egypt, after the defeat that Mamluk’s forces suffered, led by Sultan Qansuh al -Guri, against the Ottoman in the battle of Marj Dabiq in the Levant.

1197 AH – The battle of Raqqa occurred between the Kuwaitis and the tribe of Bani Kaab.

1377 AH – The Arab States League holds a meeting at the request of Sudan to discuss the dispute between Iraq and Egypt, and the six countries attended the meeting – Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Lebanon and Yemen have agreed that the Government of Iraq is a threat.

1385 AH – The Tashkent conference to solve the Indian Pakistani conflict on the problem of cashmere, which broke out several wars between the two countries.

1403 AH – Cut relations between Syria and the Palestine Liberation Organization.

1412 AH – The bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires.

1430 AH – announcing Ali Bongo Ondimba, son of the late leader Omar Bongo, won the presidential elections of Gabon, after obtaining 42% of the votes, in the midst of opposition demonstrations, which indicates that the elections were formed to ensure the inheritance of the decision.

1436 AH-LES HURLAYS C-130 of the Indonesian arrorable crashed after having won a few minutes from a place in the northern province of Sumatra.



1310 Ah – Muhammad Sabri Abu Alam, Egyptian lawyer and politician.

1344 Ah – Diaa Al -Din Dawood, an Egyptian politician.

1347 Ah – Badr Nofal, Egyptian actor.

1372 AH – Omar Abdel Aziz, Egyptian director.

1377 Ah – Abu al -ela Madi, an Egyptian politician.

1384 Ah – Donia Abdullah, an Egyptian actress.

1389 Ah – Muhammad al -Adwani, a Kuwaitian football player.

1402 AH – Tuba Poixon, Turkish actress.

1406 Ah – Talal Al -Balishi, an Qatari football player.



145 Ah -Muhammad al -NAF Al -zaki, a updated speaker.

630 Ah -Muzaffar al -Din Kawbouri, Prince of Erbil and one of the main leaders who participated in Salah Al -Din Al -Ayyubi in his jihad against the Crusaders.

1278 Ah – Ahmed Bay Bin Mustafa, tenth of the Husaynides in Tunisia.

1324 Ah – Arafa Bin Muhammad, a Moroccan prince of the Allawite family.

1369 Ah – Hussein Arab Baghi, Shiite jurist and Iranian religious writer.

1436 AH – MUHAMMAD AL -RASHOUD, Kuwaitian producer and writer.

1439 Ah – Madiha Yousry, an Egyptian actress.

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