Nile State Government Council of Ministers holds its regular meeting. The meeting focuses on the successful operation of Atbara Airport and reassures on the health situation, what happened during the winter season and the results of the governor's visit to the port. Sudan.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel-Majed Abu Qarun, Nile Governor in charge of the main meeting hall of the General Secretariat of the State Government in Al-Damir, chaired the ordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers of the State Government 'State. .

At the start of the meeting, Mr. Othman Muhammad Othman, Chief Secretary to the State Government, presented a detailed report on the directives and decisions of the previous meeting.

Then, Mr. Governor provided further clarification on the results of his visit to the Red Sea State, the meetings that took place with numerous state leaders and economic institutions, and the particular achievements achieved at the level the electricity sector and the mining sector.

The Council welcomed the results of this important visit, which will continue thereafter, God willing

Then, local leaders, including executive directors, presented detailed reports on environmental remediation programs, waste hauling and mesquite felling.

Dr. Amal Ahmed Majzoub, Acting Minister of Health, presented a detailed report on the health and drug situation and confirmed the stability of the health situation in the state and the absence of any epidemic diseases, as well as the outbreak of some cases of measles that have been reported. brought into the state due to the arrival of some citizens from neighboring states where measles is prevalent. She confirmed the availability of medicines and the arrival of large quantities of scorpion serum and dialysis drugs, and announced the formation of a health emergency committee to prepare. for summer and autumn diseases.

Then, Engineer Salah Ali Karkaba, Minister of Production and Economic Resources of the State, presented a detailed report on the harvest of the winter season and confirmed that this season is considered one of the most high in terms of productivity, particularly in terms of wheat harvest. Announcing the commencement of leveraging of wheat produced and its milling within the state, he added that their efforts are continuing strongly to increase the areas sown under wheat.

Then, Engineer Salah Ali Karkaba, Minister of Production and Economic Resources, Chairman of the Supreme Committee of Atbara Airport Firefighters, provided further clarification on the objectives of the Great Air Force to expand and develop the airport, which will be launched tomorrow morning, Wednesday, at eleven o'clock, at the headquarters of Atbara Airport, with the participation of all sectors of the State community, entities, organizations, companies and institutions economic.

The meeting highlighted the need and importance of the Atbara Airport Expansion, Development and Modernization Project, as it is one of the major strategic projects that can be relied upon to advance the reality of the State from an economic and social point of view, as well as its impact and The benefit extends to all Sudanese. The meeting praised the efforts made by the Supreme Airport Committee and its communication with all components and sectors of the state. The meeting called on all leaders, institutions and businesses to participate widely and actively in Al-Nafra. ensure the implementation and completion of the project within short deadlines

Then, Dr. Tahani Mirghani Abdel Hafeez, Minister of Social Affairs of the State, provided further clarification on his recent visit to Port Sudan and the gains that have been made in terms of humanitarian work and the arrival of many organizations charities in the state. led by the Qatar Red Crescent, Qatar Charity Organization and other organizations, and the arrival of support for arrivals in the state, the number of which reached 2 million individuals, and the number continues to arrive in the state.

Then, Engineer Samir Saeed, Minister of Infrastructure and Urban Planning of the state, announced the agreement reached with UNICEF and the Humanitarian Organization to allocate an estimated amount for the maintenance of some stations water and the digging of underground wells in certain areas.

The meeting was assured of ongoing preparations for the opening of some projects in the state in the coming days, God willing, led by Sheikh Al-Badri Hospital in Al-Qadwab in the Berber locality next Thursday, God willing, and the opening of the electricity network. for certain areas of the Al-Ubaidiyah sector in the Berber locality next week, God willing.

The meeting issued numerous decisions and directives that would help advance and improve the work of the state in various fields.

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