The People's Armed Forces: Total bias in favor of the choice of the Sudanese people.. Important statements from Al-Burhan, while Al-Kabbashi chose solemn silence ✍️ Omar Kabo


++ The voice of the Sudanese people the day before yesterday when listening to Al-Burhan's statements matched or corresponded to the excessive admiration of the Sudanese people when one of them screamed in overwhelming ecstasy: ((These are the words) )!!!

++ Al-Burhan of Marawi City reaffirmed the continuation of the battle for dignity and pride, saying: ((We will only stop at El Geneina, and there will be no peace until that the rebels will not have left the citizens' homes and gather them in the areas that accept them))000

++What we would like to emphasize is that Al-Burhan's will is effective and he has not moved from it at all, just as he has remained firm in his vision and has not moved nor wavered: the need for shameful rebels and bastards to leave citizens' homes is a fundamental condition on which there is absolutely no concession or neutrality…

++ A vision drawn from the conscience of its nation, which will never again accept that Khartoum tolerates a contemptible Qahtian or a petty Janjaweed sitting in the seat of power that reigns there…

++ Which means in practice that the acceptance of dialogue with the terrorist militia must be preceded by practical measures on its part, the most important of which is to leave Khartoum and then regroup in camps until the matter be decided…

++ This is truly a realistic vision, a merciful companion for an inspired and powerful people who do not agree to give the Janjaweed the opportunity to return through an agreement to reunite their ranks and reorganize their cards to attack once more innocent citizens and militias. has the greatest equipment and the greatest solidity. Whoever says this is an idiot, a fool, and his opinion should not be taken into account…

++Here lies the wisdom behind the patience and resilience of the people and their endurance in the face of the harshness of life and the bitterness of forced displacement and the burning, thirsty migration of exile, and their long bond of support and support for our national army until it takes advantage of the dawn of salvation of the Arabs of the diaspora who were thrown by the State of the United Arab Emirates in Khartoum…

++ When Al-Burhan was in Marawi, his companion and right-hand man, Al-Kabashi, walked the path of heroes ((Yakdal)) in Sennar and Al-Manajil, inspecting the forces on the front lines who were preparing to throw on their prey, in order to declare Al-Jazeera, the beauty of Sudan, free from the rot of the Janjaweed…

++ This time he chose solemn silence as a tool of sincere expression, reassuring and reassured by what he saw of enthusiasm, availability and preparation for the mother of battles, who, God willing, would be the straw that broke the camel's back. of the rebellion and made him “return” to his country, frightened and terrified…

++ On that day, he will take the stage to tell the Sudanese people: Congratulations on the landslide victory. Thank you You gave us the signal and the good news, so you will get the victory you want.

++Al-Burhan's speech and Al-Kabashi's silence strongly point towards one option, which is to resolve the rebellion with the weapons of the army, popular resistance and armed national struggle until May the last rebel foreign humiliation be eliminated…

++ Where there is no negotiation or agreement with those who killed, raped, displaced and pillaged the Sudanese people, it is the honor, pride, solidity and will of a great people who do not accept injustice, submission, humiliation and contempt. .

++ Whoever comes before him must be as determined, great and proud as him, and I see in the army only conscious leadership that bears responsibility…

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