Zoll Trend – News and latest events – exclusive coverage from Zoll Net – Thursday May 2, 2024

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*News and latest events – exclusive coverage by Zoll Net*

*Thursday May 2, 2024*

*✍️Prepared and followed by: Muhammad Qiyamah*

🔴Clashes and columns of smoke rise around the Signal Corps in Bahri..

🔴The rebel militia attacks the village of Umm Dam Haj Ahmed in North Kordofan, loots 16 vehicles loaded with goods from Al-Daba, and arrests 20 people.

🔴Murder of social activist and member of the Umma party Hamdan Al-Boulad in front of his house in Kadugli by unknown assailants.

🔴Deaths and injuries in Gedaref state following clashes between police and an armed movement.

🔴Omdurman Islamic University decides to resume studies electronically.

🔴The return of public bus traffic to Omdurman market and Al-Thawra Street in Al-Nas.

🔴A significant increase in prices of consumer goods in East Darfur.

🔴The army continues its movements in Al-Manaqil and visits Al-Shekiniba in the Al-Manaqil countryside.

🔴The militia continues its violations in the village of Al-Hamdab, in the rural area of ​​Al-Hasahisa, kidnapping girls and demanding a ransom of up to 300,000 pounds for each.

🔴The White Nile government begins distributing 25,000 sack bags with support from the federal government.

🔴The Joint Force in El Fasher accuses the army of having killed two of its members….

🔴23 people were killed, including 7 rebel militia soldiers, in the Furi area of ​​Al-Obeid countryside.

Saudi Foreign Minister discusses situation in Sudan in phone calls with Al-Burhan and militia leaders.

🌍Sudanese city..🔰

°Sinnar State

_ Sinnar State is located in the southeastern part of the country. Over an area of ​​40,680 km², approximately the size of Switzerland…

The state is bordered on the north by Gezira State, on the south by Blue Nile State, on the east by Gedaref State and the “Sudanese-Ethiopian” border, while it is bordered by White Nile and Upper Nile states in South Sudan. West. The state capital is located in the town of Sinja, 360 kilometers southeast of Khartoum State.

_ Sennar is located in the Sudanese rain belt, in the rich savannah region, and as such it is characterized by hot and rainy summers.

_ The origin of the name… The name is composed of two words: Sun and Nar, and the noon was assimilated, so it became Sinar, which means flame, in reference to the tongues of fire which illuminated the Koran. 'a teaching circle in the village at night.

_ Sennar's economy depends on agriculture (Sennaar project, Suki project and others) as well as the electrical energy produced by the Sennar reservoir, estimated at around 14 megawatts.

In addition to industries that focus on sugar mills, brickworks, as well as livestock.

_ Tourism in Sennar focuses on scientific trips for students and exploration enthusiasts. And the effects left by the Funj civilization.

_Sports in Sinnar State is thriving with various sports activities including volleyball and tennis.

✍️ May God protect Sudan

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