The Hassaniyya, Hassanat and northern White Nile tribes “Amoudiyah Al-Hassaniya: announce their support for the armed forces.

Port Sudan:

The Hassaniyya, Hassanat and Northern White Nile tribes, “Amudiyya al-Hassaniya”, announced their support and support for the armed forces, indicating their total unity with all national entities and societal forces supporting the armed forces, security, the police and our people and partners in religion and homeland.

Mayor Babiker Othman Al-Aziz, Mayor of Al-Hassaniya Column in Al-Duwaim and Headquarters of Hassaniya, Al-Hasanat and Northern White Nile Tribes, said at the headquarters press conference to support and support the armed forces, today, with the participation of a number of leaders of the General Staff, that the current situation requires clarity and consistency in the position of all components of Sudanese society (there is no has no room for ambiguity or neutrality), emphasizing that their position is one and clear, which is “total and unconditional support for the valiant armed forces, intelligence services and all regular agencies”, against every brutal rebel, murderer and usurper, he added, even if we do not want the country to go down this path. war for fear of its consequences on our people and our country, but it has now become an inevitable reality and an evil that must be defeated, and there is no consolation for us without it. He went on to say: “We lost and we're in the process of doing it. We are still losing in this war what we hold most dear, namely our pure Sudanese blood and the important resources of our country. Given the magnitude of what is lost, there is no room for withdrawal or abandonment of national duty because what we have lost. does not lessen its bitterness by restoring the sovereignty and dignity of our Sudanese state, and any hesitation or failure to achieve this goal is considered a high betrayal to our martyrs, our wounded, our missing and to ourselves.


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