The Olympic Committee celebrates gold in times of war… Little girls: Tiara and Alia are extraordinary heroes… ✍️ Omar Kabo


++ I owe great gratitude to the Sudanese Olympic Committee family, who presented me with a medal of honor as a witness to the activities honoring the two beautiful champions, Alia Maysara Hassan Ahmed and Tiara Alaa El-Din Awad, after that they overcame circumstances and conquered the impossible to reach the podium at the Republic Gymnastics Championship, organized by the Egyptian Gymnastics Federation with the large participation of female professionals from Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Palestine , from Yemen, from Libya…

++ The two champions managed to win first place in the tournament… each according to the competition in which they participated, so that their necks were encircled with two gold medals and they received a great honor from Egyptian gymnastics. Federation, where joy appeared on everyone's faces for two little girls who were able to prove to the world that the Sudanese character is impossible to break and weaken. Determination and weakness…

++ The value of this victory comes from the fact that these two little girls transcended the noise of gunpowder, the lava of flames and the darkness of alienation, so that their insides shined, swimming in the ocean of challenge , determination and firmness. to reach the summit of glory…

++ My mind raced as I kissed the heads of the two little ones: The value and meaning of the enormous consequences resulting from simple things seems to be that nothing is small…

++ My greatest astonishment was this fundamental and perplexing question to which I could not find an answer. How could these little hearts choose a suitable place to always keep the dream of shining and kissing the championship trophies…

++ The Olympic Committee, led by the captain of its ship, the distinguished and distinguished athlete, engineer Ahmed Abu Al-Qasim Hashem, and his first creative and creative deputy, Khaled Abdullah Hamad, was quick ((as as mother of sport) ) to honor the two heroines and their families with a sumptuous honor befitting them and the status of an Olympic Committee, a whale of men to the valor of Professor Abdul Rahim Hamad, President of the Federation of rowing, of Abdo Abdel Faraj, secretary of. the Handball Federation, Al-Zein Al-Dakhiri, Secretary General of the Volleyball Federation, and Nizar Hamdan, Secretary of the Executive Office, who graced the meeting and recorded an abundant presence…

++ Deserved congratulations to the expert, Maulana Muhammad Othman Khalifa, President of the Gymnastics Federation, because he gives a signal to these two champions, instills them with enthusiasm, prepares them psychologically and motivates them morally for this great victory.. .

++ The mothers of the two champions confirmed the effort and the redoubled interest in the two champions to maintain this superiority. They thank the Olympic Committee for this joyful celebration and the coaches who were at the origin of this great success…

++Engineer Ahmed Abu Al-Qasim Hashem promised special attention to the two talents by charting a specific path that qualifies them to maintain excellence, leadership and gold medals…

++ The man is truly remarkable and he was able to form with his companion Khaled Abdullah Hamad an astonishing duo which warmed the hearts of the sports federations, a noble alliance of which one of the fruits was that their reign saw Sudan crown yourself with gold at the biggest gymnastics championship of our great Arab homeland…

++ A sincere and noble invitation to His Excellency the first team, Al-Burhan, to pay some attention to the Olympic Committee, taking advantage of the capabilities and capabilities of the two men ((Ahmed Abu Al-Qasim and Khaled Hamad)) and their extensive relationships extending across the world so that they can be employed and exploited for the benefit of Sudan…

++ If I were Al-Burhan, I would not have delayed a second to issue a beautiful presidential decree appointing Ahmed Abu Al-Qasim Hashem as Minister of Sports, as many countries have done and are doing, to leverage their experience and connections. Secretary of the Union of African Olympic Committees…

++ I renew my appreciation and appreciation to Dr. Redab Ahmed Idris, who overcame all special circumstances in order to create from his daughter, Tiara Alaa El-Din Awad, a world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, superior to all participants. our thanks go to the mother of the heroine, Alia, who continued the series of victories with excellence by winning, for the second time, the gold medal in Ali Consecutive…

++ This is the person from Sudan. With a little care and a little concentration, he can rise above all heights, transcending frustration and the specter of defeat, to make the world of Sudan float high and proud above all heads…

++ Soon I will come back and tell you about a new success of the two heroines who knew how to extract the repressed joy which has been nestled in us since the war forced us to live in the corridors of isolation and bitter sadness, even though the Sudanese people deserve only honor, respect and celebration…

Omar Capo

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