Democratic Bloc holds second conference in Cairo

The Democratic Bloc, which represents the largest civil political alliance in Sudan's modern history, will hold its second conference in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, between May 5 and 8, under the slogan “*Liberate the national will… and locate the Sudanese solution*. the democratic system and human dignity as rights that respond to the conditions of the historical scene and context. Accordingly, the conference will address the following points:-

1/ Discuss the political vision of the bloc in a new context by interpreting and conceptually editing this conflict, which has taken on different dimensions and contexts, presenting a new qualitative approach that puts an end to the Sudanese controversy.

2/ Discuss and approve the organizational document, activate the cluster structures and expand its organizational framework with great flexibility.

3/ Expand the framework of the bloc within the framework of a global philosophy to build a national bloc that accomplishes its historical tasks through a national political declaration in which political alliances participate alongside national grassroots forces.

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