Sudanese news headlines published this morning, Tuesday May 7, 2024

Rebellion burns largest oil producing well at Zarqa field in East Darfur

♢Aircraft target rebel sites in the (Wadi Afo) region, north of Al-Alaqah, on the White Nile

♢The rebellion storms the village of Balhalawain on the island and kills two people

♢Renewal of clashes between the army and its supporters in the eastern neighborhoods of El Fasher

♢A citizen was killed in Rifaa following the insurgency that stormed the city

♢Private action seizes tanker, cars for Kadro rebellion

♢Planes launch airstrikes on the towns of Al-Rahad and Umm Rawaba

♢The rebellion loots and vandalizes the tropical regions hospital, Omdurman prison and the civil registry of lieutenants

♢A plane destroys (12) combat vehicles and (2) fuel tanks for the rebellion on the White Nile.

♢They were killed… a member of the rebellion deliberately crushed (4) citizens next to the Wad Habouba hospital on the island.

♢The Democratic Bloc holds its first preparatory sessions for the second general conference in Cairo

♢Gabriel: Continuing dialogue with the SPLM is necessary to complete the peace process

♢Gedaref Governor Forms Service Committees to Reduce the Burden of Citizens' Lives

♢Kingdom announces free brain and nerve operations at Othman Digna Hospital by Saudi doctors

♢Rapid Support kills (4) citizens in separate incidents in Al-Hasahissa

♢North Governor meets Al-Mahs Sheikhat Union delegation

♢Salah Jalal writes: The economy is in free fall and there is no other option to save it than to stop the war.

♢Al-Burhan met with Turkish President and briefed on efforts to achieve peace in Sudan

♢The Othman Digna Port Development Committee discusses the results of the work in the arrival and departure halls

♢Russia: We support the resumption of negotiations in Jeddah and the cessation of fighting in Sudan

♢Dr. Mortada Al-Ghali writes: A conversation between songs about the group's return to power

♢ (23,600) pounds… an increase in the official price of a bottle of cooking gas in Khartoum

♢Al-Burhan will travel to Bahrain next week to participate in the 33rd Arab Summit

♢An American delegation arrives in Port Sudan to resume embassy work

♢Guidelines to review all facilities at Ahmed Sharafi Cemetery Campus in Omdurman

♢White Nile Governor discusses with civil aviation the completion of Kenana Civil Airport annexes

♢Great suffering is experienced by displaced families in Atbara after being expelled from accommodation centers

♢The Democratic Bloc meets today in Cairo to agree on a comprehensive vision of the national solution

♢Crises in Sudan and Gaza top agenda at Arab summit

♢Foreign Ministry rejects serious insults to Saudi leaders reported in the media

♢Italian emergency organization: the Al Salam cardiac surgery center still operates in Khartoum despite the war

♢Because of mining…a campaign of arrests against citizens who organized a demonstration in Dalgo

♢Nilein University Teachers' Council No. (122) is held in Cairo and adopts online learning

♢Kabbashi confirms to Salva the government's desire to sign the aid delivery document with the Al-Hilu movement

♢A poll on the page of journalist Othman Mirghani was dominated by the option that (civil administrations are a game in the hands of politicians)

♢The Minister arrived in Dongola. The Northern Governor and the Interior Minister discussed the overall security situation in the state.

♢With (44) degrees Celsius.. Gedaref has the highest temperature in the country for the second day in a row

♢Al-Jazeera governor inspects army front lines in western sector

♢Great suffering for the Sudanese of Barteria

♢Leaks: Security authorities shut down Bankak app after rapid currency price collapse

♢Gedaref Governor calls on banks operating in the state to build a portfolio to finance agricultural campaign inputs

♢Iran officially opens its embassy in Sudan

♢Report: Russian official Bogdanov in Sudan… advanced military agreements reshuffle the cards

♢The president of the Tigray region denies any support for the participation of soldiers from the region in the war in Sudan

♢Al-Atta arrives in Port Sudan for the first time since the start of the war, and Kabashi and Turk appear alongside him

♢London newspaper: War of interests… the conflict rages over the riches of Sudan

♢Russia supports Jeddah platform to end fighting in Sudan

♢Kabashi returns home after a visit to the south, and Al-Atta welcomes him

♢King Salman and his crown prince offer their condolences to Al-Burhan on the death of his son

♢The Democratic Bloc accepts that Musa Hilal and other organizations join the coalition

♢She said that war is a big project. The Future Movement for Reform and Development meets the people's movement

♢Armed militia forces citizens of Shangil Tobay to pay millions of pounds

♢Rakb Al-Sambak..Tunisian security arrests Sudanese famous for his martial arts training via Tik Tok

♢Political analyst: Saudi Arabia is a support for Sudan and the only country capable of ending the war

♢Foreign Minister meets in Qatar

♢Theft of five water stations following the events west of El Fasher

♢White Nile Infrastructure Minister: Development projects have not stopped despite the war

♢North Kordofan General Intelligence Appreciates Efforts of Haggana Youth Initiative

♢An artillery battle in Babanusa and support threatens Al-Fula

♢Ardol: There will be no agreement with the Central Council unless it reverses its support for the subsidy project

♢Commercial truck traffic stopped in El Fasher after supporters took control of Mellit

♢Northern governor reviews results of Darfur Protection Alliance Barkal Forum

♢Radical Change Warns Against Soft Landing Efforts to Hinder Revolution

♢Abyei Legislative Assembly Speaker fears hindering Council's oversight role

♢Tijani Sisse: Strong polarization threatens the nation and national consensus is a necessity

♢Strengthen cooperation and exchange of experiences between Qatari and Sudanese passports

♢Ibrahim Al-Mirghani: It is impossible to return to pre-war life in Sudan

♢One child killed and two others injured following war remnants explosion in Nyala

♢Investigation: will the South Kordofan humanitarian agreement in Sudan turn into a political settlement?

♢Health Minister calls for need to gain trust of World Bank to support Sudan

♢Report: El Fasher is a city in crisis… and eyes await disaster

♢This is one of the most complex operations. Urinary fistula repair operation was performed at Al-Dabba Hospital.

♢Among them are Sudanese. Rescue (87) illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean Sea

♢Moscow: Determining the form of government, whether civil or military, is the choice of the Sudanese

♢Khartoum Governor: The state has witnessed new crimes committed by those with a judicial precedent

♢Italian Emergency Organization Agar: We hope to work on the reopening of the organization's children's center in Nyala

♢Report: The Rokro region in central Darfur… when war kills tourism and antiquities

₩Sports news:

♢Sudan is fourth in the African Swimming Championship rankings

♢Sudan Gymnastics Federation and Sudan Olympic Committee honor champions in Egypt

♢Gold and silver for Sudan at the Angola Water Games Championship

♢A video showing part of a sports festival in the Bant district of Bamdurman

♢CAF authorizes the Sudanese summit to participate in the Champions League

₩Various news:

♢Video Miss Soudan: The film Goodbye Julia is a realistic dramatic story

♢Opening of the Al-Hafiz Hussein electrical factory and cement plant in Bab Hamad

♢Article: Rapper Ahmed Al-Juhani…an old man expelled from the kingdom of youth

♢The governor of Gedaref forms a battalion to protect agricultural projects

♢The Minister of the Interior witnesses a contract to update prices between the Dongola Police Hospital and the health insurance

♢Traffic director constantly directs buses to reduce accidents

♢Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan inaugurates the Sudan Festival in the heart of the Emirates

♢The Ababda tribe in Dabbah renews its support and support for the army

♢Khartoum governor inspects a number of injured police officers participating in the Karama battle

♢The Governor of Kassala reviews efforts made to resolve drinking water problems

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