Qatar will remain a pearl in people's minds – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

As in the past, Doha remains the Arab city where everyone finds shade. She communicates with her neighbors, siblings, and friends. She offers a model of respect for others. She knows her responsibilities to others and earns everyone's respect through her good policies. at home and abroad, it strives to cooperate with all countries. He is not tempted by the money in his hands or the strength of resources, especially black gold and gas, which make everyone yearn for it. , and the strength of their relationships with the powerful has only grown by clinging to the weak and providing services without harming all people who are going through a crisis, natural disaster or security conditions.

Doha was present in Bosnia-Herzegovina, it was present in Gaza, it was present in Lebanon and Syria, it was present in the Caucasus countries. It does not differentiate between religion or color. It is only humanity that governs the work and controls it. pace, so that Qatari leadership was appreciated by all people in the world.

And here is Qatar, from the Doha of the Arabs, announcing that it rejects interference in the internal affairs of Sudan and calls on its people to find a solution that will put an end to this continuous hemorrhage and restore the security and stability of this country with its good people.

Today, Sudanese Foreign Minister Awad Hussein meets in Doha with Minister of Development and International Cooperation of the Qatari Foreign Ministry Lulu Al Khater and discusses with her the prospects for cooperation between Khartoum and Doha.

Pearl Al Khater has already visited Sudan, leading a large Qatari delegation carrying humanitarian aid after the many cases of displacement that Sudan witnessed from Khartoum to the rest of the states due to the war that erupted in mid-April last year. She was not handed over to the responsible and competent authorities in Sudan and returned home, but for days she met with all parties related to humanitarian and health work, knowing the needs, assessing the situations for all cases and working with specialists to answer them. miss to win.

Relations between Khartoum and Doha are deeply rooted in history, but have strengthened in recent years. It is enough that its emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad, was the first Arab leader to visit Darfur after the emergence of its crisis, and even. has provided considerable support for the reconstruction of Darfur.

And here Khartoum exchanges its love for Doha with love and its loyalty with its loyalty, and Qatar agrees to create a Sudanese gold refinery, which is a major economic project on which all the hopes and aspirations of the Sudanese people can be based . Gold working. The refinery is further evidence of Doha's appreciation for Khartoum in light of this war which has undermined stability and security in Sudan.

Qatar is always a “pearl” in my eyes.

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