Statement from the Sudanese Center for Community Dialogue and Acceptance of Others regarding the Kabashi-Al-Hilu agreements

The Sudanese Center for Community Dialogue and Acceptance of Others issued a press release which reads:

The Sudanese Center for Community Dialogue and Acceptance of Others followed with great interest the meetings which took place between the deputy commander-in-chief of the Sudanese army, Lieutenant General Shams al-Din Kabashi and the leader of the Northern Popular Movement, Commander Abdulaziz Adam al-Hilu, which led to agreements in the humanitarian field, according to which the free flow of humanitarian aid was allowed in the areas under his control.

While praising and supporting these understandings, the Center states that it has consistently called for avoiding the use of citizens as a tool of pressure or as human shields in war, and has continued to demand the lifting of the siege of certain areas, which increased people's suffering and led to a difficult life.

We hope that this agreement will turn into an integrated peace agreement. The Center also hopes that the siege imposed on South Kordofan State by the north will be lifted through the conclusion of a similar agreement with the forces blocking the National Street in the country. northern part of South Kordofan State.

The suffering of the Sudanese people is increasing day by day, and we appreciate and support all efforts to alleviate this suffering.

Sudan Center for Community Dialogue and Acceptance of Others Media Office

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