Zakat Office Supports Clinical Capacity of Shendi Military Hospital

The Director of Zakat Office in Nile State, Dr. Yahya Ahmed Abdullah Al-Qamrawi, inaugurated the new bed capacity of the Shendi Military Hospital, which amounts to fifty beds with all their supplies, including mattresses, sheets, water tanks and a carry bag containing personal needs, since its cost reached 15 billion pounds.

Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division in Shindi, Major General Hamdan Abdul Qadir Dawoud, praised the great efforts made by the Zakat Office in supporting society and supporting the armed forces, especially in the war effort and those injured during operations.

He said the support provided by the Zakat Office in the sequel to increase the bed capacity of the military hospital is appreciated, especially since Shendi is a station to receive the wounded from operations.

He stressed that this war united the Sudanese people and helped reduce narrow political and tribal affiliations.

Major General Hamdan announced the coming hour of victory, victory over the rebellion and cleansing the country from the filth of agents and traitors.

For his part, Secretary General of the Zakat Office in Nile State, Dr. Yahya Al-Qamrawi, affirmed their unlimited support for the armed forces until the great victory is achieved.

He highlighted what has been achieved in increasing the clinical capacity of the military hospital, and everything related to the armed forces is for God's sake.

He said his visit to Shindi came to thank the people of Shindi who have extended support to the armed forces and expatriates.

He confirmed that the Zakat Office stands with the army and is ready to provide any service, whether from the Shendi branch or the state presidency.

The Executive Director of Shindi Locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, renewed his thanks to the Zakat Office and its services to segments of society and its continued support to the armed forces.

The Director of the Zakat Office in Shindi, Ayoub Abdel Majid, assured the continuation of zakat services to the community and the armed forces, especially in the circumstances currently facing the country.

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