Electronic journalism is at the forefront ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

This afternoon, Wednesday 5/8/2024, I had the honor of attending the birth of the Electronic Press Association in Port Sudan, with a qualitative presence that included all colors of the journalistic spectrum .

The birth of the Electronic Press Association at this sensitive period in the life of Sudan has many connotations and meanings.

Those responsible for electronic journalism have the very difficult task of enlightening and enlightening public opinion.

There is a lot of suspicion hanging over the owners of newspapers and websites when it comes to financing, and I expected at today's meeting that the financial institutions would be revealed, whether internal or external, so to exonerate them from these suspicions and accusations.

The head of the Electronic Press Association, our colleague Al-Sir Al-Qassas, did not answer me about the financial cost allocated to this ceremony and who donated it, so he preferred a nice silence.

There is a real problem with these websites in terms of content production, preparation, production and editing.

Electronic media need an assessment and evaluation of their activity over the past period, whether negative or positive.

I expected that today's meeting would present some practical models of some electronic journals with the aim of starting a discussion about them.

Unfortunately, the majority of newspapers and websites lack professionalism and specialization, and their activity focuses only on the search for quick wins in order to save expenses.

If a person doesn't have a great person, they can buy one. Electronic journalism lacks a great person who can advise and guide young electronic journalism leaders.

Those responsible for electronic journalism are ambitious young people, full of enthusiasm and creativity, who need a “handbrake”.

Rushing to achieve the goal is very expensive and has disastrous consequences. It is best to think rationally and stay away from emotions.

The article was published Electronic journalism is at the forefront ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi First on Zoll net.

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