The Secretary of the Sinnar State Government attends the distribution of food at the King Salman Center in Al-Lakha village, Sinnar locality, in the presence of the State Commissioner.

The Secretary General of the Sennar State Government, Mr. Abdul-Azim Abu Dharaa, honored the food distribution program for the displaced people in Lakha village, Sennar locality, under the project of food security in Sudan in general and in Sennar State in particular. in its second phase, and the food was provided by the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Aid.

In his speech, the Secretary General to the Government affirmed the state government's interest in those arriving in the state from various states, welcoming the appreciated support of the King Salman Center and praising the active role played by the Humanitarian Aid Commission in the State. and the efforts of the Itghanaam organization to deliver supplies to IDP camps.

Abu Dharaa said the war was the reason for moving citizens to safe areas, expressing thanks to the citizens of Al-Lakhha village for welcoming their brothers from the states and wishing the arrivals a safe return to their states .

For his part, the State Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, Mr. Mohamed Abdel Fattah Badi, confirmed that the Commission stood with the arrivals and expressed thanks to the state government, led by Governor of the state, Mr. Tawfiq Muhammad Ali, for his tremendous efforts to stabilize the arrivals, thanks to the state security committee and special thanks to the local security committee of Senar, who continued to monitor the relief until until they reach the shelters.

The commissioner praised the ongoing interventions of the Esteem Organization, and said that the organization would be present in the localities of East Sennar, Al-Dali and Al-Mazmoum in the coming days, and praised the intelligent partnership between the King Salman Center and the Esteem Organization.

In conclusion, the Commissioner expressed his thanks and appreciation for the interventions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the King Salman Center in Sudan in general and Sennar State in particular.

Speaking at the state Ministry of Health and Social Development, Dr. Fatima Abdel Halim, Director of the General Administration of Basic and Primary Health Care, said that just like the cohesion of citizens with the armed forces, the cohesion between the citizens of the State of Sennar and expatriates has been present and effective. She appreciated the efforts of Organization Sixteen and said that they had a major role and praise in locating food within the host families and among the arrivals, she explained that they were part of the accommodation committee. focusing on the medical and food axes, and at the level of the Ministry of Health, we have mobile clinics which continue their work and provide health services to arrivals.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of Sennar locality, Mr. Abdullah Atta Al-Mannan, expressed his thanks and gratitude to the King Salman Center and its unlimited support to the locality in this time of urgent need, and he added that the locality of Sennar is considered to be the most affected by arrivals.

Furthermore, Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Al-Houtabi, Director of Human Development Organization Sixteen in Sennar State, said that the organization continues its great efforts to distribute the basket to our expatriate brothers in the state, and that the basket includes a number of He declared that the State's share amounted to (27,000) baskets, the share of the locality of Sennar amounted to (7,580) baskets, while that of localities of Sennar Est, Al-Dali and Al-Mazmoum remained.

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