To the Union Minister of Livestock and Animal Husbandry, Dr. Abbas Taha Hamza Sobeir

At the beginning of this open letter to the Minister of Livestock and Breeders' Union, I hope that honorable readers will join me in raising our eyebrows, removing our hats and bowing our heads, in greeting and respect for livestock producers. sector.

And their relentless efforts and the suffering they face to improve their livestock products, under their different names, and present them on a golden platter to exporters, without receiving a crumb of their income in local currency. Parasite professional brokers pay the price. these producers of export income in hard currencies… dollars… euros… riyals and others… watching this video in which Sudanese sheep, commonly called Sawakani sheep in the Gulf market, appear while They are leaving the country. ship arrives in Jeddah and their auction begins, bringing the price of a sheep to over 1,700 Saudi Riyals, the equivalent of 800,000 eight hundred thousand Sudanese pounds… when we watch these scenes and hear For these prices, we are proud of our livestock sector and its promising future, and our declaration says: God willing, our sheep will raise our homes and improve our mood… I do not hide from you, brothers, that although I am happy and very grateful for any step taken by any zealous patriot from the livestock sector towards this super important economic sector… Production, export and marketing… as much as I am happy about all this, I am sad, a sadness who cannot express himself in words. Sentences… including the gymnasium… admit defeat, because the. the majority of these revenues come from exports and the added values ​​they bring at different stages… the majority of these revenues, unfortunately, do not go into the pockets of the producers who have poured their sweat and efforts, boycotted. social sessions with their families, refrained from playing the dhammah and tambourine, and were afflicted with exhaustion and illness. All this is a worthy prize for having achieved this feat… Unfortunately, once again, these great ones, after all this suffering, only receive rewards. the crumbs of her and her sweat as he went. Most of the fruits of their sweat only appear on harvest day, from social gatherings and palace-making and staying up late with keyboard buttons and secrets and nails, and there are some . not a rational man among them…

And the sadness increases when these simple producers do not know much about the gases emitted, the brutal and soft play of its fields, hard currencies and their corridors.

The sadness also doubles when the official authorities, unable to provide services to this producer whose eyes may have been deprived of peaceful sleep for days and months due to mosquito bites… these authorities complete what lack and through a large army of their uncreative incompetence in imposing arbitrary taxes and fees on each member, the sheep, which are difficult for many veterinarians to count and name, so that this constitutes a deduction from the price of their work and their exhaustion…

We ask God to appoint a protester for these creative producers who will respond to their constant cries and bring justice to the injustice of their loved ones… How many protesters are there among you, the livestock managers, the Shepherds' Union, the Ministry of Finance and all the relevant authorities… How many of you protesters say: “I am for them” and fulfill their duty by providing justice and eliminating the injustice of a part of the population of the livestock sector? , and remember that the call of the oppressed has no veil between it and God…. Allah is sufficient for me and Allah is the best trustee…

Dr Abbas Taha Hamza

University of Khartoum

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