Between Juba and Cairo, the plot threads are cut ✍️ Bakri Khader Muhammad Othman Aburnat

Pen and Dana

The night had to end, the winds of betrayal had to dissipate and the threads of conspiracy that were woven against the Sudanese people and against the Sudanese army from several countries and from different axes in the name of narrow personal interests and international advantages. without regard for human life…

Yes, a few days ago, Lieutenant General Shams al-Din al-Kabbashi met with the state of South Sudan, led by the SPLM-N, led by Abdul Aziz al-Hilu, and what was agreed was agreed and signed, but the Sudanese people, the Sudanese state and their interests had the greatest share in the details of the meeting, and thank God both leaders understood the sensitivity of the scene, the importance of agreement and the inevitability of commitment. With the terms of what they agreed on and their implementation on the ground… an agreement for which no plane was flown, no sacrifice was made for it, no banquet was organized for this, no artist was hired for this, nor any parties and The movements were hired to bear witness to the massacre in Sudan. Rather, it was an agreement in which the interest of the Sudanese people was taken into account first and foremost, and the strength of their will second, and the rights of the people. life…

On the other hand, there was a group of parties whose number exceeded fifty, political and military organizations, who gathered in Cairo Al-Mu'izz to express themselves and give their opinion on what is happening in the corridors of Sudan. Thus, the two meetings in Cairo had to completely close the pages of the past with all its misdeeds and violations and open a new Sudanese page which can be the end of the suffering of the Sudanese people and the end of the war imposed on them. on the Sudanese people and their army and the beginning of the stage of a new Sudan free of grudges, parasites, agents and traitors… A Sudan in which everyone is equal regardless of color or to the tribe. A Sudan in which the spirit of. the law prevails and the first leader is there…

Yes, Sudan, from time to time, can look like he has surgeries in sensitive areas, but thank God he has completely recovered and his surgeries have started to heal and heal….

The Sudan of today is not the Sudan of yesterday, in every way. There is no treason against the homeland, and there are no conspirators against the people. Today's Sudan is not completely free of Janjaweed, mercenaries and mercenaries. thieves… A Sudan governed by law and led by the army. A transition period and an agile government with specific tasks, followed by free, fair and transparent elections at that time. The people have their say and choose those who govern them. …and so the threads of the greatest conspiracy in human history, against a people and a nation with a brilliant history of struggle and sacrifice, were cut…

*Oh my God, protect Sudan and its people*

*And the army defeated Ali* *the mercenaries and their conspirators*

*✒️Bakri Khidr Muhammad Othman Aburnat*

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