The discussion is over… Your happiness! – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

I followed the statements of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, as he spoke with the confidence of men, speaking of frankness, transparency, courage and courage, with Sincere greetings to the great Sudanese. people! Salute to the men and women who stood firm in the face of injustice and aggression and defended their homeland with bravery and courage. Salute to the armed forces and regular agencies, including the police and intelligence, who valiantly confronted the criminal rebel militias and protected the population. lives and property of citizens. Salute to the armed struggle and the popular resistance movements who participated in this battle to defend the homeland.

What happened was not a passing war, but rather a heroic epic written by the Sudanese people with their blood and sacrifices. These unwavering people faced the brutality of criminal militias who sought to destroy the homeland and kill innocent people, but the steadfastness of the people and their belief in the unity and strength of the homeland defeated these militias and thwarted their plans. contemptible.

We were not warmongers and believed in the need for peaceful solutions, but our patience was met with more crimes and attacks from these militias. They shed the blood of innocents, committed the worst violations against civilians, looted their property, and destroyed the country's infrastructure.

Faced with these heinous crimes, the State had only one choice: defeat these criminal militias and free the nation from their grip. The regular armed forces and agencies waged a fierce war against these militias, with the support of the heroic Sudanese people. This war demonstrated the unity and cohesion of the Sudanese people in the face of the danger that threatened the homeland.

The victory was not easy and the Sudanese people paid a heavy price with the lives of their children, but this sacrifice was not in vain, because it broke the chains of injustice and aggression and opened the door to a new dawn for Sudan.

The blood of our martyrs will not be in vain and our patience will not run out. We will continue the struggle until we are victorious and achieve the just peace our people seek.

Responsibility for restoring security and stability lies with everyone. Every Sudanese citizen must participate in this national effort and support the armed forces and regular agencies in their tasks.

We affirm the unity of Sudan and warn of the dangers of division and disintegration that rebel groups seek to sow. Sudan is one and its people are united against any attempt to divide or destabilize it.

We extend our sincere thanks to the friendly countries that supported Sudan in its war against the rebels, and we appreciate their generous support for our efforts to preserve the unity and sovereignty of the country, and we call on the international community to play its part. role in helping Sudan rebuild what was destroyed by war and achieve sustainable development for all its people.

We call on the great people of Sudan to join hands and unite, and we motivate them to resist and face challenges until achieving final victory over the rebels and restoring security and stability to all regions of our country.

The rebels' pursuit of their narrow personal interests will not discourage the Sudanese people from defending the unity and sovereignty of their country. We are convinced that victory is ours and that Sudan will emerge from this crisis stronger and more determined to build a bright future for all of its people.

Together for a united, free, democratic and prosperous Sudan!

The article was published The discussion is over… Your happiness! – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba First on Zoll net.

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