Secretary of the Federal Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Resources… We have assessed the environmental damage and are working on developing plans to address it

Port Sudan 10~5~2024 AD

Dr. Mona Ali Muhammad Ahmed, Secretary General of the Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Resources, confirmed that the Council is working to determine the level of damage caused to the environment as a result of the war the country is currently experiencing.

Menna said in a press release that she had prepared a plan to assess the environmental impact on Sudan in general and environmental elements, and in this regard, it was presented to the relevant environmental authorities, and that a meeting was held which included a number of organizations working in the field of environment through technical devices, where they were enlightened on the extent of environmental damage to which Khartoum State is exposed, and that the coming period includes the assessment of Gezira State, Darfur States and Darfur. all areas affected by the war.

The secretary general of the Supreme Council for Environment and Natural Resources said damage to forests was included in the study, in addition to its impact on the plains.

Floodwater and groundwater. All of these things require scientific evaluation on the ground to lead to a thorough study that helps address the effects.

She said one of the plans is to take advantage of Sudan's natural resources and make them sustainable.

Mona said that as part of the efforts with Khartoum State, means have been provided to transport waste, bury bodies and other negative and impactful effects on the environment. She added that Sudan cannot resolve the environmental effects of war alone. , but rather we must support the international organizations of which Sudan is a part, such as the United Nations and other organizations.

Dr. Mona called for the importance of eliminating intersections with similar institutions so that everyone can fully fulfill their role in order to realize the interest of the country and the citizen in light of the extremely complex circumstances that Sudan is going through, which demand that there be more.

She welcomed the results of the ambassadors' meeting held recently with a number of directors of regional and international environmental offices.

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