Executive Director of Shendi Locality: Community needs captive production and food security projects

Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, Executive Director of Shendi locality, renewed the locality's full interest in the overall family production project and appreciated the community initiative aimed at ensuring food security. He said the community really needs such important works that benefit the community. , emphasizing that the project will receive its share of attention and publication, emphasizing that food safety is an obsession that must be worked on. He must do everything possible to achieve this. The executive director of Shendi Local praised the initiatives of the Shendi Media Association. and the great societal role played by the Association, as well as the great media message it carries to the local media in Shendi, Professor Khaled Abdel Ghaffar praised the management of the retirement home and the care teams.

He underlined his constant support for the needs of the home and announced his agreement to form an association of friends of the elderly. The Shendi Locality Executive Director expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Shendi community and said it is an engaged community. .

Engineer Mohamed Musa, director of the locality's Department of Agriculture, confirmed the great support for captive production projects and food and industrial industries based on crop and livestock production, stressing that they are fully willing to cooperate with the project and the media to make the project a success. Welcome to all who wish to participate.

Mr. Elias Abdel-Rahman, President of the Khartoum Media Association, Shindi, and Director of the National Community Project for Prisoner Production, confirmed that the Association, with its initiatives, project and objectives, as well as the partners and friends of the association secondly, it can do a lot to serve the citizens of the locality of Shindi.

Good luck announces the continuation of the program after the success of its experiments and its launch

What is good today is the nursing home and one of the noblest nursing homes, which emphasizes its position and strives to always support the home and its residents with programs more targeted.

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