Mr. Al-Jubouri – Kordofan!! ✍️Bakri Al Madani

*I knew honorable brother Jubouri through websites and met him once while covering the Shams al-Din Kabashi team's visit to South Kordofan*

*I can say that Jabouri is a virtuous man in general, and at one time he formed a popular consciousness for many people, but in recent events he has been defeated by tribal sentiment, like many civil leaders high-ranking officials and mediators, and a few. who leaned towards objectivity despite the tribal connection*!!

*In a recent recording, Al-Fadil Al-Jubouri asked the fighters to lead movements led by Burhan, Al-Atta and Kabashi of the army, and Hemedti, Abdel-Rahim and Othman, for rapid support operations, and called that they fight directly – Al-Dawas – far from the people, and here Al-Fadil falls into the most scandalous situations without realizing it*!!

* Perhaps Al-Fadil wanted to show in the appeal his neutral position between the army and rapid support, and even show that he is with the people who, according to his opinion and vision, have not neither camel nor camel in this war. The question for Al-Jubouri is: is the rapid support targeting the army only in its ongoing war?!*

*Have the people – the people – spared civilians in El-Geneina and throughout Darfur? Was it spared by Greater Kordofan, Khartoum, Al-Jazeera and the borders of Gedaref, Nile and Sennar? of their lives, their honor and their property?!*

*Most of the victims of rapid support in the ongoing war are civilians throughout Sudan, and the army is only trying to carry out its tasks in a barrage that has extended to the ground!!*

* This is not required of brother Jabouri, who strives to appear favorable to the army or neutral in the weakest situations, but what is required of him, in his same call for frank confrontations between the leaders of the army and the supports, it is to declare one's bias towards the people with one's powerful tongue in the face of those who kill, those who pillage, those who rape, those who steal, and nothing more*!!

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