A representative of the executive director of Shendi locality addresses the fourteenth Karama Pride and Homeland Forum under the slogan: (A conscious people for a promising homeland) in the buildings of the General Administration of Culture, local media and communications.

Mr. Babiker Al-Sayyid Al-Azraq, Director of the General Administration of Culture, Media and Communications of Shendi Locality, representative of the Executive Director of the locality, addressed today, Sunday, May 12 , at the fourteenth Dignity Forum, Pride and Homeland, under the slogan: (A Conscious People for a Promised Homeland) in the administrative buildings, which welcomed Ms. Samia Othman Ahmed, Director of Administration of the General Directorate of Health and the population of the locality and its accompanying delegation. , Professor/Babiker Muhammad Abdullah, Health Center Management, Professor/Abdul Rahman Ahmed Siddiq, Malaria Management, Professor/Samia Al-Sayyed, Disease Vector Control, and Professor/Rabab Suleiman, Environmental Health, and in attendance Professor/Alam Al-Din Musa Al-Hassan, director of television, and Professor/Elham, director of the media department of the administration, Mr. Nasser Bakr, director of the culture department of the administration, directors of various departments of the administration, Mr. Elias Abdel Rahman. , president of the Association of Journalists of Khartoum in the locality of Shindi, media professionals and an estimated number of employees of the departments of the locality.

Mr. Babiker Al-Sayed Al-Azraq welcomed Ms. Samia Othman, Director of the Health and Population Department of the locality, her accompanying delegation and the honorable presence, appreciating the efforts of the Health and Population Department of the locality in the campaigns to eliminate the waste, accumulations, deformations and removal of mesquites, which have been organized in the locality and continue under the auspices of the executive director of the locality, called on the citizens to put the waste in bags. He called for cooperation and solidarity with. health and local administrations to dispose of waste and accumulations in a correct manner for the sake of a clean and healthy environment, free from epidemics and diseases, emphasizing that the objective of the forum is to spread the culture of health .

Mr. Babiker Al-Azraq revealed funding from the National Bank of Omdurman to finance 4 compactor vehicles entering the local area to help transport waste.

Ms. Samia Othman Ahmed, Director of the General Department of Health and Population of the locality, welcomed the honorable participants and thanked Mr. Babiker Al-Sayed Al-Azraq and the administration for hosting and managing the forum , emphasizing the importance of The media reflects health programs and that the media is one of the departments closely linked to the Ministry of Health and has a strong partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Media and Communications. Ms. Samia hailed the health departments, appreciating their efforts in the organized campaigns. locally and in expatriate accommodation centers and health centers, calling for more efforts to improve health, wishing health and safety for all.

Ms. Samia gave a comprehensive explanation of the work of her administration, including the health departments, preventive medicine department, malaria department, environmental health department, tuberculosis and AIDS department, of epidemiology and the environmental health department among the effective departments concerned with the health of water control, waste, a department of environmental health and environmental health is responsible for solid and liquid waste in all its details, noting that the solution to waste is twofold: implement the laws strongly. in a dissuasive manner for all and activate the waste management program in the neighborhoods. Fight against disease vectors, fly control and health awareness. The Department of Malaria Control is responsible for combating mosquitoes in its various forms, emphasizing that the treatment and diagnosis of malaria is free and distributed free of charge in all health centers and hospitals, noting that the Department of Curative Health has 63 health centers, 12 health care, 15 rural hospitals, one teaching hospital, the three hospitals: kidney, heart and Mek Nimr specialist hospital.

The Department of Maternal, Child, Nutritional and Reproductive Health provides comprehensive treatment of childhood illnesses, noting that the health care unit is responsible for treating children under the age of five, with support from global and federal health , indicating that the rapid response team was formed at the local level on April 17, 2023, with authorization from the Ministry of Health, under the supervision of Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, the executive director of the locality and the director of the system medical of the locality, noting that the rapid. The Response Team is a weekly program that operates in 207 shelters, confirming that there is a free treatment center with the support of the Child Protection Organization in Block 7, announcing the arrival of a medical incinerator at Shendi University Hospital with the support of the world. Health Organization and funding from the European Union, he announced the availability of the administration to organize awareness conferences in Banga, the station between the Department of Health and the Department of Culture, Media and Communications .

Ms. Samia Othman expressed her sincere thanks to Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar for his sponsorship of the health programs.

Wishing victory to the armed forces, a speedy recovery for the injured, security, safety and stability for Sudan, and praying for the souls of the martyrs.

Each departmental representative of the accompanying delegation provided an explanation of the work of their department.

Mr. Elias Abdel Rahman, Chairman of the Khartoum Media Association in Shendi locality, welcomed the campaign to eliminate waste, accumulations and deformations and remove mesquite trees organized in the locality, praising the efforts of the health department and the locality in this area. He also congratulated Mr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar for his care and careful monitoring of the campaign, appreciating the role of the media in the campaign, announcing the association's partnerships in important community works in the coming days, sponsored by the executive Director. of the locality.

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