Is Aya Afro part of the fairer sex???? ✍️ Mohammed Talab

The title above isn't nice either, but I was forced to do it after the very popular these days and very provocative video, and the crowd, chaos and confusion it created, proving that it's rough sex and not gentle sex, so there's no kindness in it. We saw it, which explained an obvious flaw and disorder in the Sudanese personality and (the neighborhood men) and I was upset. Their defenses are as hot as they are.

I think most likely that the phenomenon (Aya Afro) is one of the complications of this emotional disorder resulting from double evaluation and double calibration in society for some time.

It is strange that in times of war, death and destruction, we see (Aya Afro) dragging behind her dozens of expatriates who we believe to be sane… She was like a horse that they placed with great care in front of the cart to drag him and what he was carrying towards what they wanted, which was (the Kyzanian people), I think they are (the righteous Sudanese people), and maybe that 'it is in reality too, and (inside the). air), I don't know. Four decades are capable of creating change, and unfortunately, the change is for the worse…

I believe, although some suspicion is a sin, that the so-called (Aya Afro) is a local manufacture for specific purposes taught by the local maker and perhaps by one who cooperates with others from the outside world and who studied duality and emotion well. unrest of the Sudanese people… and (his Kiranite alliance).

An honest truth I say in this article is that I don't blame Miss (Aya Afro), and all the blame goes to (the manufacturer) and their petty goals.

The question that arises is: Is (Aya Afro) really a phenomenon?? The phenomenon appears for a time and disappears, often contrary to the prevailing natural situation, and then disappears if it does not find celebration, but the truth is that it found celebration, the red carpets were rolled out for it and he found the facilities necessary for the emergence of his star, and she still continues and passes from one area to another in joy, space and acceptance too. She is an actress, dancer, model, teacher, journalist, etc., etc. etc…. She had no difficulty entering all these artistic fields. People have seen her in all these forums, in peace and war (too), and she has an audience and followers. This is a fact which, if lied to, would be reality. prove it with numbers… Is she really that good in all these areas??? If the answer is no, then what is the acceptable explanation for this appearance and the momentum that follows?

Aya Afro, the high school student receiving all this momentum, must have received specific training for specific purposes, and she has succeeded to a large extent, and her movements are constructed and designed to play on a flaw between the composition of (the Kyzanian people) and their double standards, which were created by the regimes that perched for decades on the country's ruined body and the vengeful regime, which took us more than four decades in the arts since (Qayqimiyat) the beginning and the songs. of jihad and the southern war until it brought us to (the Qunoat) and the war of the end, and between (the Qayqimiyat and the Qunat) (Afro Verse) appeared and they won in favor of many exciting and dangerous things. ..and Khartoum was indebted for all this carefully crafted and well-informed momentum… Without it, I don't know, but it all reminds me of a very short story I wrote years ago. Maybe she's expressing what's going on. and expresses the double standard with which I conclude my article, and the story says:

*Everyone is silent, and the judge reads his sentence to the beautiful young girl of flogging for the crime of (attempted adultery), and he executes the sentence himself, pronouncing it (with his voice) and executing him (with his whip). The ruler here is the executioner, the swordsman, and all, and he who is not afraid of truth and falsehood,,,,,,,, On the evening of the same day he was in his established assembly carrying the same whip and repeating in the same voice :-*

*Yesterday, me and Qasibah Madaliq Al-Sail*

*In a moment and laughter for those who shared the night with us*

*And the velvet of the ostrich turned like a horse's tail*

*Don't be stingy, I'm also good at tricks*

*Then all the silent people stood up and chanted, “Preach the good news.” » He raised his whip and chanted loudly: “Forbidden, good news, God is great. »

Isn't that the same as separation with harmony and (Afro Tamam)???

Good morning

Mohammed asked

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