Residents of Umm Rawaba villages appeal to international humanitarian organizations

Residents of villages east of the town of Um Rawaba in North Kordofan State have called on all international humanitarian organizations to quickly intervene to save their lives from famine, after the militias of the Forces of rapid support attacked them, killing and mistreating them, pillaging their crops and all their savings. , and burning their villages which were safe.

Muhammad Hamid Nour Al-Bayt said: Residents of rural villages east of Umm Rawaba are facing an unknown fate after being subjected to clear and systematic tribal-based ethnic cleansing operations, and have were forcibly displaced from all their villages located on the connecting asphalt strip (Tandalti – Umm Rawaba) with the aim of occupying the land and replacing it with a new population of herders, and converting all agricultural land into pastoral land .

Nour Al-Bayt added that there are more than fifty villages that have been abandoned by their inhabitants, and that all their inhabitants have been displaced to the north in search of non-existent security, and that they are therefore suffering from 'a total lack of food, water and medicine. , we call on all local, regional and international human rights organizations to investigate all violations to which all ethnic groups residing in the east, north and west have been exposed. Umm Rawaba.

Nour Al-Bayt added: “We also call on all international humanitarian organizations to bring us food, medicine and water as quickly as possible, because the humanitarian conditions will become very catastrophic in light of the growing wave of travel (as he said). ).

He said: Children, elderly people, women and youth who fled the rapid support militia shooting will die of hunger if relief measures are not taken as quickly as possible, even by dumping them in shelters. places of displacement, if in fact the United Nations The United Nations agencies have not been able to secure and protect relief so that it reaches those who deserve it (citizens displaced from their villages) and to all citizens of other villages and towns in the state.

In the same context, Nour Al-Bayt deplored the failure of the international community to pay attention to the violations committed against them in the villages of Um Rawaba and in all villages and towns in North Kordofan State.

Nour Al-Bayt stressed that employees of international organizations working in the field of human rights and aid to those affected by the war should come in person to see the extent of the destruction and everything related to the effects of the war so that their picture is clearer.

It should be noted that the rapid support militia committed a massacre against the residents of the Abu Haraz administrative unit in the Shikan locality on Friday, May 10, killing more than 18 citizens, including children.

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