The proof…leave me (Manama)!! – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdine

Expectations also indicate and are confirmed by some reports that the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, will not participate in the Arab summit held in the Bahraini capital, Manama, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Awad Hussein, could lead the Sudanese delegation to this summit.

The question remains why Al-Burhan “refrained” from this participation, which is an opportunity to inform its leaders about the situation in Sudan and the “results” of the war and its devastating “effects” on “ identity” and “origin” of the Sudanese people. Perhaps someone will say that Al-Burhan “missed” an opportunity that would have been better taken and scored more than one goal for Sudan.

Another might say that Al-Burhan behaved better and replaced his presence with the Minister of Foreign Affairs because Al-Burhan wanted to leave room for action because he knew well these (summits) whose results and recommendations may have been ready before they were held, as the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi revealed when he signed the declaration (the final summit declaration was in his hands before the opening session, and the Libyan leader wanted to embarrass the summit and embarrass the host country when he recited the declaration in front of the summit leaders during the opening session, so whoever did not believe was astonished.

Manama, the capital of Bahrain, its name has been frequently mentioned in the ongoing war in Sudan, notably when highly credible media revealed that a secret meeting was held in Manama between senior leaders of the Sudanese army and rapid support militia, and this meeting resulted in an “agreement” between the two parties, which contains provisions that are not well received by the Sudanese people.

This (secret) agreement found a moment of discussion until one of the parties (denied it) and was so severe in his (denial) that the proverb and saying almost applied to them (the suspicious person almost said: “Take me”).

Manama is one of the closest Gulf capitals to Israel after the Emirates capital, Abu Dhabi, and it is the latest Arab country to sign an (agreement) with (Israel) on the issue of normalization. Manama is therefore the closest to Israel. Abu Dhabi in this regard and may be the alternative to continue (the journey) after all the Sudanese people (Abu Dhabi's involvement) in this war which destroyed Sudan, displaced its population and stopped the wheel of life there has been revealed.

Manama's role in the next stage may differ from Abu Dhabi's (military) role, as this new role may be linked to (diplomacy) and take advantage of (both sides') proximity to one location and put pressure on them to sign an agreement, even if it is (initial), and Manama, with this step, will have taken steps to (raise) its name in world relations and plays roles (international and regional) for the benefit of senior (actors) who appear external to the team (training) and follow the affair from the first class seats (the cabin).

If Manama succeeds in playing this role, even (partially), it will present itself as an (alternative) to the capitals of the region, and if it takes the lead on the stage to fully control this issue, and perhaps the international community ( opinions ) Manama as (the most suitable) to play the role of (Abu Dhabi), who burned all (the cards) without keeping the (paper) in his hands.

If there are (two lines) under Abu Dhabi, then Manama is definitely under one (line) which can be (increased). And because the war in Sudan is not between two parties or two generals, as the Western media and their Arab channel say. say the spokespersons, but the war in Sudan is an (international) or (world) war. The Arab or African circles of Sudan are actively participating in this battle, whether it is Chad, the Emirates, Libya (Haftar) or others.

Al-Burhan knows all the dimensions of this war and all its parties, and therefore he is not concerned about these movements which are extremely ready and waiting for the signal to move, to defeat the rebellion.

Al-Burhan perhaps does not want to “embarrass” Manama with the recommendations he issues regarding this war taking place in Sudan, and which Sudan often rejects.

Relations between Khartoum and Manama are remarkable, and relations between Sudan and Bahrain are excellent. The last ambassador stationed in Bahrain, a member of the Al-Bashir Revolutionary Council in 1989, was Brigadier General Salah Karrar, and when Manama accepted an ambassador. This high military rank and sovereign status means that its relationship with the armed forces is stronger on all other sides.

Hosting this summit in Manama may have (indicators) that are not specific to Sudan as a whole, but the Sudanese issue will have more space due to its links with the big circles.

The summit may end and the situation on the ground in Sudan will be largely in favor of the armed forces, and after that the recommendations and outcomes of the summit will have no significant impact if they do not support this victory won by the armed forces in the field.

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