We assure you that we will pole vault and come back stronger

We confirm that we will do pole vaulting and we will come back stronger

Our concern is that the military is cleaning out ideal deacons in the country. There must be a dry soldier who expresses responsibility for the practices of the militia.

Our problem is bigger than Hemedti and the Emirates. There is a vision of division that causes us to become submissive to the Jews.

From the Land of Civilizations, Marawi, we met the distinguished poet Muhammad Safla al-Muqal, accompanied by the Chief of Operations Division of the 19th Marawi Division, Colonel Ezz al-Din Bilal Qabbati, and we were filled with words and nostalgia for the country. We went with him to the old mud houses, the commandments to the youth, the cleansing of traitors and the fifth column, the education of the community, the increase of the feeling of security and the research of the problems of the homeland, the most important topics of the upcoming dialogue. In which he brought out some burning remarks.

The interview was conducted by Marawi: Nidal Othman

Return to the countryside and the old mud houses?

Among the benefits of the war, it created conditions for a return and return to the ancient skills of driving, farming and fishing, which have a product for treating family pressure, have a smell, taste and flavor, and know the minerals and origins of people.

Any upcoming artistic transactions?

Returning home made us breathe, and our books aroused enthusiasm and passion and revived tolerant Sudanese customs. The latest artistic interaction between me and artist Hafez Al-Bassa Dhabi Al-Fayafi and a patriotic work, We Are Equipment, We Are Numbers. , with artist Jaafar Al-Saqeed.

The role of national creators in the battle for dignity?

If the poet sings for the loved one, his personal cause is limited and ends. The poet is the spokesperson for society and directs the public highway in content that serves the nation.

The media and their impact on the course of the battle?

The current media are individual efforts that burden the media, and the state does not care about the creators or the true value even of the soldier and the teacher, and it has left negative secretions and many of those who have sold the country appeal to the sovereign. advice to make the real containers to contain the creators and to legalize them to work in a healthy atmosphere.

Villains, mobilization, democracy and civilization?

He is a strong supporter of the military council, and all those who call for fake democracy must be held accountable. The street must be cleared of mercenaries, traitors and filth. There must be real civilian executives at the head of the country. There is no one among them who deserves to be civil. We need a tough military that places the blame for the militia's heinous practices on the people. The Sudanese and the pretenders to democracy of the sectarian parties have no connection with the other Sudan. that the seat of power

Local contributions to the humanitarian movement?

I interact with the humanitarian movement that serves the population of the locality, and I work within the Red Crescent team there, and I greet Brother Ahmed Al-Muddathir, he is a source of pride for the population of the North.

Messages for Sudanese youth?

The war has cleared minds and ensured that security comes through the military route, but there are those who put poison in the body, so our advice to young people is to put into practice the slogan of an army, of a people and imitate military leadership. , and so that their faith is firm and they enjoy the sense of patriotism.

The role of culture in national security?

It is necessary to launch a mobilizing cultural campaign to raise the feeling of security under the slogan that security is everyone's business and to denounce those who tremble, those who are betrayed and those who seek to divide the national ranks.

Cultural forums and their role in national cohesion?

We, through the Terre des Civilizations Forum, organized a large gathering for the creators of Merowe. Our words were united and we united around our army. We began to discuss and address issues of Merowe's homeland, culture and history. the issues that highlight the true face of the peoples of the North.

The interaction of all states will form a Sudanese culture that will lead to the reign of creative people.

Will we succeed in restoring what was destroyed by war?

Our problem is bigger than the Emirates and Hemedti, intelligence and axes, we are at the center of a larger colonial problem and at the center of a divisive vision, so we can be compatible with the Jews, but I am quite sure that after the country is cleaned up, the economic indicators will be pole vaulting, and we will come back stronger.

Last stop?

The war is over and we must focus on the post-war phase. There must be a call for tolerance and fraternity, and those responsible must bear it. We are with the army and we are concerned about adding exemplary deacons to the army. country. May God accept our martyrs in the battle for dignity and our condolences to all those who have lost a loved one.

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