Living together in peace, a necessary path towards a better future for Sudan – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

The International Day of Living Together in Peace, corresponding to May 16, brings a sublime humanitarian message calling for the rejection of violence and divisions, and the promotion of a culture of tolerance and coexistence between all peoples.

The celebration of this day in Sudan brings particular symbolism, because this brother country is going through a critical stage in its history, facing many challenges represented by war, rebellion, violations, displacements and displacements, in addition to the problems long-term. and challenges.

What is the peace we seek in Sudan?

Peace is not just the absence of war, but rather a state of stability, security and harmony. Peace is respect for rights and freedoms. Peace is coexistence between the different components of society with their cultural and religious differences. differences.

Peace is social justice that ensures the well-being of all. Peace is sustainable development that establishes a better future for future generations.

But how can we achieve this desired peace? The responsibility for achieving peace lies with everyone, both the government and the people.

The government must strive to establish the foundations of democracy and respect for human rights, seek to resolve disputes peacefully through dialogue and negotiation, combat corruption and promote the principles of transparency and of responsibility, work to establish social justice and improve the standard of living of citizens. .

Citizens must abandon hate speech and violence, spread a culture of tolerance and acceptance of others, actively participate in building peace through community work, and support national reconciliation initiatives.

The path to living together in peace in Sudan is a long and arduous journey, but it is not impossible. With the will, determination and cooperation of all, we can overcome the challenges and build a better future for our generations to come.

Let us make this day an opportunity for change and start building lasting peace in Sudan, and may God protect Sudan and its people from all harm.

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