Subordination of the water and environmental sanitation project to the Director General of the Ministry of Urban Planning North Kordofan is a strategic step ✍️ Al-Zein Kendwa

_ The directive issued by the Governor of North Kordofan State, Mr. Abdel-Khaliq Abdel-Latif Wada'ullah, regarding the water and sanitation project being directly subordinate to the Director General of the Ministry of Urban Planning , I think it is correct. decision, and this will greatly contribute to consistent executive performance, shortening the administrative shadow and eliminating all technical and administrative distortions and mitigating the severity of the intersection of decisions and jurisdictions, and of course these distortions, intersections, evils and imbalances in the world. the civil service has contributed negatively to the interests of companies by disrupting the flow of service request procedures, it therefore seems that Mr. Governor paid attention to this miserable situation and wanted to move in the direction of governance and an advanced institution.

_ I think the genius of this directive or decision of Mr. Governor at that time is the reference to his close monitoring and full knowledge of the efforts made by all project workers to provide drinking water to the residents of Al- After Obeid, the southern springs were completely out of service due to the conditions of occupation by the rapid support militias, as well as the low productivity of the northern springs due to fluctuating electric current.

According to the information available and confirmed by the residents of Balabiyad, the only source of water is now the pumps which were dug, maintained and improved by the State Water and Sanitation Project in coordination with the Shikan local government, civil society organizations and charitable organizations then operated with a solar energy system, and contributed to a large extent in bridging the water deficit.

– I believe that when Governor Abdul Khaleq ordered this project to be submitted to the Director General of the Ministry of Urban Planning, Engineer Muawiyah Muhammad Adam, immediately after his appointment, he may have wanted to resolve many controversies, being given that Mr. Muawiyah is a man specialized in the water industry and has accumulated experience that qualifies him to smoothly manage the project departments to implement the rest of his programs, on which the government greatly relies and the state community, having completely succeeded in reducing the percentage. of the lack of water in the White House, and this success can never be denied by anyone unless they want to (give back to the country) or want to (put the cart before the horse) or he has a program that wants to cause failure. of Governor Abdel Khaleq Wadaa Allah's policy to provide water to citizens in the neighborhoods given these complex security conditions.

Here we warn against the intersection of interests, the rush for revenue and the transformation of water service into a commodity. In this context, blocks, intersections and groups of those who return to rural water service and those who collect income in various areas. This may appear, noting that Mr. Governor Abdul Khaleq Wada' Allah had and still has opinions on the revenue collection and development apparatus, and that there is a postponed agreement to hold a specialized workshop on this subject in order to make the final decision to maintain it. or dissolve it once and for all so that the management of accounts can return, and certainly we are in favor of the development of mechanisms for controlling public money and improving and maximizing revenues, but in accordance with the budgetary law which is binding for its execution.

– Generally speaking, I see that the subordination of the water and sanitation project to the Director General of the Ministry of Urban Planning, Engineer Muawiyah Adam, is undoubtedly the normal situation, because this project has a legal personality and has a separate account in the Bank of Sudan and a seal, and the State Ministry of Finance must deal with it directly, and not under the supervision of the director of the water sector, because the director of The water sector itself initially reports to the general director of the urban sector. Planning.

In this context, we strongly warn against double standards, by delaying the establishment of a statement of expenses and delaying the signing of the financial certification statements of the rights of workers whose sweat flows from their foreheads under the sun of desert, in order to provide (a bottle of water for the children in the displaced camps and remote neighborhoods) and for our large and valiant army stationed in the trenches and breaches, as well as within the Fifth Infantry Division , we say it very clearly: anyone who hinders the work of water supply, and in. in this difficult period, which contributes to putting the cart before the horse, we have the right to (accuse it of being a fifth column). This is a report announced to the state security and military intelligence services.

_ It is true that we are against any incorrect and proper procedure, as well as against any administrative or financial violation, if any, by any person or in any institution, and we certainly have no responsibility for administrative, legal or criminal, even if the institutions fail to manage a crisis, in accordance with the Civil Service Law, which establishes a general framework, foundations, controls and an administrative hierarchy to prove any offense committed by any employee in accordance with the statutes and systems. In return, we support. the same law that seriously warns against accusing people of lying, and in space, and distorting their reputation, whether in order to settle personal scores, or in order to arrest service projects that help government and society deliver services, regardless of their type, time and location, anyone who obstructs this is hindering the work of the state and must be held immediately accountable. The concept of obstruction does not necessarily mean being overtly public or opposing by directly preventing a specific proceeding. Rather, it may be due to delaying administrative procedures by not signing an important document (for example), or procrastinating by not making the appropriate decision at the right time (procrastinating to the detriment of the worker to create). a disagreement between him and the institution and its technical staff).

_In my opinion, every director general of his institution must protect his executives and their work program so that there are high quality results for the product, and exercise his role in accordance with his constitutional duties and powers, so that he is not described as (hoen saakt) and does not deserve this position, and his appointment was a big mistake and a burden for me.

# We meet again in other episodes to reveal many exciting secrets and mysteries in certain institutions, intersections of interests and the politics of breaking bones… Follow us,,,


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