What is happening at Dongola Educational Hospital…?! – #The_Autre_Dimension – ✍️ Musaab Brier

“One of my fellow evacuees called me, dismayed by what was happening at Dongola University Hospital. He told me about an incident that would be a scenario for the worst Hollywood horror films, where he had decided that his cousin should have his tonsils removed. an ear, nose and throat specialist. It is an operation that a shepherd in the Kordofan desert knows is extremely simple and safe.

» On the day scheduled for the operation, the patient came with her feet to have it carried out at the Dongola University Hospital, but she has not left until now, because the documents I consulted show that the first expertise medical showed that the doctor The error to which the victim was exposed was due to anesthesia that did not care about the importance of concentrating in carrying out his tasks, the result was that the patient entered in a state of unconsciousness until the time of writing this article.

“I wish the suffering of the victim and her bereaved family would have stopped at this point, after she was taken in this state to the intensive care room to stay for several days to complete her life-threatening procedures. treatment in the face of the serious repercussions that befell her as a patient. consequence of the serious medical error to which she was exposed during the tonsil removal operation, and after it was decided to take her out of the intensive care room, and when our colleague requested a room for her because of her critical condition, and even “pleaded everyone, up to the Federal Minister of Health, as a colleague who deserves attention and appreciation, everyone's response was total ignorance.

“Then I received horrific images of the hospital environment, a catastrophic accumulation of medical waste, horrific views of the toilets, and in the corridors the body of a deceased unknown for an indefinite period of time (may God have mercy on him) and no one was received.” found to cover it. We have a photo of the body… and God forbid… and it was a priest who did it. I was not surprised when my dear colleague informed me, through his urgent pressure, to document his just cause across the world. #other_dimension, in the hope that someone would come and save the remaining victims of fatal medical errors at Dongola University Teaching Hospital, as he informed me, reproachfully, that there had been three deaths. There was also confusion among those accompanying the patients as to their existence. puppies. Medical errors, which forced me today to write this urgent appeal for help to whom it may concern. There is no power and strength except in God Almighty.

“I wish the failures of Dongola University Hospital would stop at this point. Today I found a desperate message from my dear colleague in which it was said: Today a doctor came to the patient's mother and informed her that he was the ear assistant and on the nose. and throat specialist, and he would like to give her medical advice to leave her home due to the patient's low immunity and lack of… Exposure to infection, and glory to God, today Today more than ten doctors visited them, and all of them tried to persuade them to leave, and all this happened after the start of the investigation procedures with the medical director and the anesthesia staff of the hospital , and it is with God that the adversaries will meet.

Last message :

In summary, given the closure of the doors of the Sudanese Medical Council on the orders of its president, Dr. Final Elias, and therefore the Complaints Commission responsible for examining medical errors affiliated to the Council, does not currently exist, and the Federal Ministry of Health has no other concern than to preserve the chairs of the directors of its public administrations, and no effort is made except to modify its structure by adding and appointing deputies to the directors of public administrations, which constitutes a precedent. Historical history will not be erased anytime soon, in accordance with the “permanence” policies they are adopting… Anyway, who should I complain to given this state of health, my friend ?! To God, He is enough for us and He is the best arranger of affairs. Bring your complaint to the One, the Unique, the Eternal, to keep us all safe. We ask God for a speedy recovery for our precious daughter. , O Lord of the Worlds.

I didn't get it without God revealing it

God is enough and yes, the agent

O God, do not impose on us, because of our sins, those who do not fear you for us and do not have pity on us, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

#TheOther_Dimension | Brier Musaab |

Friday (May 17, 2024 AD)

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