Muhammad Ibrahim Hamad Al-Andi, Undersecretary of the General Supervisory Council of Al-Qararish: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is in the hearts and memories of all Sudanese

In 2016, during my work in Dammam, I was deputy rapporteur of the Sudanese community management committee, headed by the handsome man Siddiq Hashim… he has my regards and appreciation… and I was with him during 'a travel. gracious visit to His Excellency the Governor of the Eastern Province, His Royal Highness Prince Saud bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz, to greet him and welcome his appointment For the same position…

It was an intimate and sincere meeting… After taking commemorative photos with His Excellency. The well-informed Prince spoke of the close relations between the people of the two countries…

He declared in a text that there is a particularity of relationship and alchemy rooted in the blood of the two peoples which rarely exists between Arab peoples… and that what exists between a Sudanese and a Saudi is a special word . Because they know each other. Since the time of King Abdul Aziz… He treats those who work with him at the palace with spontaneous intimacy and innate harmony.

Everyone in the palace was entrusted to them…

This civilized behavior continues today among his sons, kings and princes…

He added: May the Sudanese citizen of the Kingdom be characterized by his integrity and honesty… and that between these two qualities you can include all the noble qualities and good character that you wish for those who have worked in the Kingdom , because they have built a balance between good morals and respect for the country in which they work…

He added that these are the communities with the least crime and misconduct…

Prince Saud bin Nayef's words were a message for all of us to follow the path of those before us who immigrated and worked in the Kingdom. The one who entrusts you with his family and his money and is certain and sincere that you are worthy of this trust… and you will not betray or betray him, no matter the temptations… then the word is an honor… Work is trust…

Generations grew up aiming for legal livelihoods and honorable work. They won the lives and hearts of millions of Saudis. They are still on this straight path…

This thought came to me as I wrote about the distinguished popular relations between the two countries and what the Kingdom's embassy in Khartoum is doing to establish distinguished relations with sectors of the Sudanese people of all colors… and honor the creators and those who participated in the building of the modern renaissance of the Kingdom…

I was present at *(Khartoum Gendarmerie)* on the occasion of the anniversary of Queen's National Day on September 23, 2022, and saw the distinguished honor paid to all the Sudanese people and their loved ones… It was a generous gesture from the human ambassador, Dr. Ali bin Hassan Jaafar honoring the Sudanese doctor, Dr. Omar Khaled in a touch of tenderness and chivalry…we him we confided… All those who were present or knew her later through the media appreciated…

The ambassador began his duties in Sudan and did not neglect popular diplomacy in his relations with all sectors of society. He was a beautiful symbol who carried out good initiatives in secret and in public. For many societal entities of different colors and stripes…

A closeness developed between him and everyone, which has rarely happened in diplomatic circles lately…

During the floods of 2022, I saw him traveling the regions, consoling those whose homes were destroyed and who lost family. The honored Holy Mosques, represented in the program of the King Salman Relief and Humanitarian Aid Center… relief from the brother Kingdom to all layers of the Sudanese people affected by the torrents and catastrophic floods.

The Kingdom has been more proactive than ever in all situations… Providing money and materials to hospitals. From ambulances to remote hospitals across the United States to life-sustaining medical devices. Such as dialysis units and various medical devices…etc. This is an example but not exhaustive.

This honorable example of His Excellency the Ambassador earned him the respect and kindness of the Sudanese people from all walks of life, and the embassy was a wise Saudi symbol of reunification and the solution of many problems….

Whoever enters this direction will only emerge if he distinguishes himself by the wisdom and behavior of His Excellency the Ambassador in absorbing the problems and differences which opposed the Sudanese… because he knew their customs intimately . He was wise in his relationships. Whoever meets him will only come out reconciled with himself first and reconciled with others later…

With the wisdom and competence of the ambassador. This was the inauguration of the Jeddah Platform 2023, and if everyone had agreed at that time, the situation would not have gotten to where we are today… But the The hope in God is stronger that the pulpit of Jeddah will once again become a pillar of peace. A Saudi imprint acceptable to all and which honors the position of the Kingdom in the hearts of the Sudanese.

I remember that in February of the year 2023, the first celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the Kingdom *(Foundation Day)* and I was present on that day because it was a kind invitation from the embassy. For all those who lived and contributed to the revival of the Kingdom… and my memory took me back to the 80s of the last century… in 1982 I worked at the Royal Commission in Jubail as a translator in the staff of a Saudi company. working in the field of industrial security… under contract to the American company Bechtel, which was the main implementer of projects for the Royal Commission at Jubail and others. The Parsons Company in Yanbu…Under the umbrella of the two companies are hundreds. of Saudi and foreign companies who committed to transforming the desert into greenery and factories which then helped to increase the national income and reduce the income of rentiers based on oil extraction alone…

Industrial Jubail consisted of endless sand dunes. The most difficult challenge at that time was for the chairman of the board of directors of the Royal Commission… Likewise, for any Saudi citizen concerned about the development and construction of his country, the greatest challenge was that of the king Fahd, may God have mercy on him. It was he who withstood all the small and big things and overcame all the difficulties… but with the determination and determination of men, everyone succeeded in the challenge…. A modern city has developed, called Jubail Industrial City…. He received the highest honors and appreciations from international and Arab city organizations. In 1985, King Fahd visited Jubail and opened the giant company SABIC. And iron, methanol, Al-Razi, Chemanol and other petrochemical plants, as well as the Royal Commission building. And Jubail Technical College…and he was with him. The Queen of Denmark at that time, as the first foreign king or president to visit the industrial city of Jubail… I was a witness and present, proud of the Kingdom's civilization and its tireless pursuit, and proud because that I gave what I deserved in financial terms. remuneration… which has had a positive impact on the well-being of its population and the development of human resources by making room for technical education. Being a pioneer in industrial development, which has now become a passion for everyone…

Thank you, people of the Kingdom, for the rebirth of your country and your attachment, above all, to the law of God and the Sunnah of his Prophet, the Chosen One, may God bless him and grant him peace, as a constitution and a healthy approach….

And here in Sudan, thank you all for the example of wisdom, sophistication and power of soft diplomacy that we have all witnessed… Represented by His Excellency Ambassador Dr. Ali bin Hassan Jaafar, the current ambassador. His experiences and measures are still at the center of popular diplomacy…

Everyone knew him in every city he visited, preoccupied with his worries and comforting his children….

In conclusion… I tell him as the popular proverb says. Your Excellency, Ambassador

*(The day of thanksgiving will never come)*

I wish you good luck in your efforts and in what you offer us all…support, support and brotherhood…

May God perpetuate the friendship and gratitude between the people of the two countries throughout the ages.

You have the utmost respect and appreciation, His Excellency the Ambassador and the embassy family….

Muhammad Ibrahim Hamad Al-Andi

Optical agent Pan-Al-Qaraish

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