Commerce and Supply” reveals the seizure of a network of foreigners and Sudanese who falsify export and import documents

Minister of Commerce: We exported 12 tonnes of gold in the first quarter of this year.

Minister of Commerce: The volume of exports reached “2,800” billion dollars and that of imports “4,600” billion dollars.

The Minister of Trade and Supply, Mr. Al-Fatih Abdullah Yusuf, revealed the seizure of a network operating in the falsification of export and import documents, led by foreigners and Sudanese, indicating that his work takes place in the context of the economic war against Sudan.

Al-Fateh told a press conference at the ministry's headquarters in Port Sudan that Commerce and Supply Investigations raided the headquarters of the network that works in document falsification and arrested a number of accused in possession of seals and papers used to falsify export and import. certificates, in addition to seals and equipment used in counterfeiting tools, emphasizing that the ministry prevents foreigners from working in exports, but they circumvent this ban by purchasing export documents from people who have documents and selling them to them, “Al-Raqeen”. He added that any foreigner is prohibited from working in foreign trade, exploits real and falsified documents for Sudanese and deprives the state of income from export earnings.

Youssef said Sudan is facing a fierce economic war aimed at destroying its economy, just as 85% of Khartoum's factories and infrastructure have been destroyed, highlighting the impossibility of a famine in Sudan given the existence of the parallel economy in Sudan. the Sudanese countryside and that cereal production reached more than six million tonnes.

The Minister of Trade and Supply presented a report on the performance of the ministry since moving to Port Sudan in mid-May 2023, confirming the flow of strategic and necessary goods to citizens.

He said the ministry initially worked to arrange conditions for suppliers and exporters, provide goods to citizens and fill the shortage by importing ten products called the citizen's basket, indicating that the ministry was striving to reconsider the control of goods and imports and to adjust the procedures afterwards. flood the market with certain products.

Regarding the trade balance, the minister said that the country's exports in 2022 amounted to “700.4” billion dollars and imports to “11,900” billion dollars, with a deficit of “6,700” billion dollars, while in “2023”, while exports amounted to “2.8 trillion dollars, imports amounted to 4.6 trillion dollars and the deficit amounted to 1.7 trillion dollars. In the first quarter of this year, the export volume reached $3.24 billion and imports amounted to $8.6 trillion. The minister highlighted that agricultural exports amounted to “4” billion dollars, livestock exports to “691” million dollars, while mining exports amounted to “12” tonnes of gold.

Al-Fateh Youssef revealed the ministry's tendency to open passages with neighboring countries, including Ethiopia, South Sudan and Eritrea, revealing the offers the state received from Algeria and Kuwait to import meat, emphasizing that agreements are with Egypt regarding the strategic goods portfolio. , and added that we would make a future visit to Saudi Arabia to discuss the problem of the return of confiscated livestock.

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