Even if the share is a homeland (fragmentation) of 0000 Sudanese!! – Losing the share is a homeland – ✍️ Abdel Salam Al-Qarai

Observers have been confused in the analysis, or rather in the classification, of the situation of the Sudanese in relation to an agreement on crucial issues for the country and its people.

A problem such as the total bias of the armed forces against the external ambitions supported by the traitors and mercenaries of the Bani Qahtan tribe and their left-wing supporters.

The departure of certain people (a significant number). Their departure from the national consensus is a question that is perplexing, and even raises suspicions and doubts about (their patriotism). There is no justification for these people to oppose the military institution. under the pretext that it has leaders who belong to the 0000 Islamic movement.

It does not make sense to antagonize the Sudanese army for these reasons

He who has the mind in his head cannot think on such a superficial level

It is natural in our case (given that we are waging an existential war) that these people would postpone their differences with the Islamic movement until after the end of this damn war that drove millions from their homes).

Unfortunately, the conflict between these people has reached a dangerous stage, as some of them hope that the armed forces will be defeated in their war against rebels, traitors and mercenaries. Unfortunately, these people have erased their most noble accounts. characteristic that the honorable people of Sudan possess, which is the national spirit.

It seems to me, and to many, that even those who call for an end to the war do not believe that the armed forces will lose their war against the forces of evil.

Sudan is a homeland that belongs to everyone and certainly welcomes everyone.

The invitation is addressed to these deviants to correct their destructive attitudes and to modify their destructive ideas.

What we see today is neither acceptable to reason nor supported by logic. The suffering of citizens is increasing at a tremendous rate, and these people still support the rebel forces, and they have not even been denounced, condemned or denounced.

This is clear proof that they do not care about the poor in Sudan.

Even the Islamists, although they stand alongside the armed forces in the same trench, some oppressors claim that they are behind the outbreak of the cursed war.

We no longer focus our discussion on the causes of the outbreak of war. We are in the process of unifying the speech of the Sudanese.

There is no need to divide, because danger awaits us on all sides.

So that traitors and mercenaries do not multiply on Sudanese land, we must cooperate and join hands in strengthening popular resistance to break the backbone of the rebellion.

We do not want what happened in Madani and Khartoum to happen in other cities.

Under the slogan “one people, one army”, we will inflict a crushing defeat on the rebels, God willing

Oh my God, grant victory to your people and their armed forces against rebellion in all its forms

The fifth columns of Al-Qahta and the resistance committees, 000,000 groups Sorry, we don't have an army 0000. The honorable members of our people in the army and the popular resistance will show them that we have an army And. a strong army that all the experts, all the military experts have witnessed, even if it fights the most difficult wars, which are urban warfare.

Oh my God, hasten the victory of your people in Sudan over their enemy and your enemy

The eyes of the cowards of the Biti Qahtan group did not sleep either

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