Popular Resistance Shendi: We have no choice but to win and completely eliminate the enemy

The Popular Resistance, Shendi South sector, has confirmed that it is not waiting for the enemy within the state borders or local rackets.

She said during a comprehensive meeting with the leaders of the popular resistance, that advanced qualitative training has become an urgent need for all mobilized, and that the preparation of fighters and combatants must continue until victory and the defeat of the enemy.

The only option is victory and complete elimination of the enemy.

The leader of the Popular Resistance in Nile State, Police General Mahjoub Hassan Saad, said this war was a big war and included international and regional ambitions to share the country's resources among themselves.

Lieutenant General Mahjoub added that the preparation of the force must continue in order to preserve the country. And defeat all those hiding in Sudan.

The leader of the Popular Resistance, Southern Sector, Shindi Muhammad Abdel-Wahab Wad al-Assad, confirmed that the Southern Sector is the main responsibility of the people in defending the region, the rest of the state and Sudan.

Wad al-Assad announced that new training camps will be opened in all locations in coordination with the Third Division, and that qualitative and advanced training is the next step for all mobilized personnel who have received basic training and initial.

He stressed that the enemy does not differentiate between regions and peoples, and therefore must be confronted with all the strength and determination necessary to defeat and eliminate it completely.

A number of leaders expressed their full availability to push the popular resistance to achieve the highest levels of qualification and training for all young people so that the popular resistance becomes a force supporting the armed forces.

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