The Nile Governor meets the reconciliation committee in Al-Damer locality and blesses the reconciliation and amnesty achieved thanks to the Nouba and Kawalib committee and praises the great role and what the committee played.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdel-Majed Abu Qarun, appointed Governor of Nile, paid tribute to the considerable and appreciated efforts made by the Reform Committee in Al-Damer locality, until its efforts resulted in a complete and unconditional pardon from Les Nouba Kawalib to Al-Damer for the assassination of their son. This happened during his meeting in his office in Al-Damer with the delegation of committee leaders led by Professor Muhammad Ali Hamid Al-Rao, with the participation of a number of people. Nuba leaders

The governor said the committee highlighted the values ​​of the commonality of the people of the state, which is considered a state of tolerance, reconciliation and coexistence among all in security, safety and peace. The state continued to represent mini-Sudan as it encompassed all the tribes of Sudan. Mr. Governor added that the achievements obtained by the committee in this amnesty and this reconciliation that took place make us support it and support it because it is the model and the example. which should be distributed to all localities and regions of the State. The governor announced a number of good deeds for the people and citizens of Al-Dahmer, the most important of which is supporting the Al-Dahmer Kidney Dialysis Center with a number of measures. washing machines, in addition to seeking to complete the projects of Al-Dahmer as a youth capital, which were interrupted due to funding in the past. Federal authorities indicated their communication with the company Zadna International to complete their efforts in favor of Al-Damir projects. He also announced the upcoming start of asphalting works on some internal roads in Al-Damir, as well as ongoing efforts to complete the Al-Damir Hotel. The governor indicated that these projects are part of the interest in the city's capital. the state, and the governor announced his participation in the celebration of this event. The event will take place at the home of the deceased's family, in Block 37 in Al-Damer, on Monday morning, God willing.

For his part, Professor Al-Rao shed additional light on the great role played by the committee and the communications that took place between the two families, welcoming the rapid and important response of the family of the deceased Nouba to grant reparation complete and unconditional. forgiveness for the murderer of their son, for God's sake. He added that we dedicate this reconciliation to all the people and citizens of the state and the state government under the leadership of Mr. Governor for the great and appreciated efforts you are making. in all areas, which has placed the State at the forefront of States in all areas, particularly at the level of education, mobilization and alert programs, popular armed resistance and regularity of state convoys supporting the armed forces and the masses and the people. of the State of Khartoum, as well as development projects and services organized by the State, emphasizing that this amnesty. He affirms that the Nile State will remain a state of tolerance and peaceful coexistence, noting that the Nuba are one of the tribes that settled in Al-Damir some time ago and have remained in coexistence with all the inhabitants of Al-Damir and in brotherhood, affection and communication, emphasizing that the celebration next Monday in the Square 37 district of Al-Damir reinforces these meanings and values. ​for which the population of the state is known, Al-Damer called on all sectors, leaders of civil and popular administrations, Sufi orders and religious groups to actively participate in the celebration. world at that time, in light of the conspiracies told by the enemies of the homeland at home and abroad, and planning to sow discord, Professor Al-Rao prayed to the Almighty God to protect our country plots of enemies and agents and to do so. It gives our armed forces and those who support them a powerful and urgent victory over all enemies, agents, traitors and traitors inside and outside the country.

During the meeting, contributions were made by the members of the committee and by all the Nouba people, highlighting the strong relationship between the Al-Damer community, in which everyone lives in love, brotherhood, communication, l affection, compassion and transcendence of minors and purity. , commending the efforts of the state governor and his government for the revival, development, progress and growth of the state and the nation at large.

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