Hamdok: He doesn't have a trace of modesty that qualifies him to see a flaw… ✍️ Dr Omar Kabo


++ I launched a drought – ((God honors the listeners)) a new contempt called Bakri Al-Jak. He was not mentioned by anyone, no one knows him, talentless, out of touch, I threw him into the political arena, adding a despicable quality to his bad and degenerate qualities in the selection of the lowest cadres….

++ She chose him as spokesperson after the “beatings” of Jaafar Safarat and this vile and immoral thug, to present an experience full of stupidity, rudeness and stupidity…

++Here he yesterday made statements full of triviality and stupidity, saying: ((Hamdok signed the Nairobi Declaration in his capacity as former Prime Minister))000

++ The essence of naivety is that this slimy creature thinks that the office of Prime Minister confers on its holder powers and authorities for life which do not disappear with his departure from the Prime Minister's chair by dismissal or resignation. Otherwise, he wouldn't have done it. this crude and indifferent statement…

++ It is a matter of compassion and pity that all the common people of Qaht believe that they have a full-fledged popular mandate that allows them to travel and move between capitals, to sit with their regimes in power and to conclude political agreements that betray, shame, and sell their homeland without the slightest feeling of inferiority, shame or shame…

++ They do it without any moral scruples that prohibit it, nor any vigilance of conscience that dissuades them. They do it and their objective is only to please their Emirati masters who have woven the strings of conspiracy to make Sudan a hunting ground. and sheep, aspirations and hopes…

++ Review all their procedures. You will not find a single position in which they have taken a stand in favor of the country and its citizens. Weren't they the ones who started the war after continuing to whisper in the murderous criminal's ear. Hemedti that they could mobilize the entire political street in their favor??!!! Were they not the ones who asked him to slowly embark on the adventure after having surrounded him and left his house four hours before the start of the battle, according to the testimonies of Mona Arko Minawi and Amjad Farid, witnesses of their last meeting. with the deceased Hemedti and his brother Abdel Rahim???!!!

++ All of their political positions continue to reflect a shame that embodies betrayal and fraud at their highest levels. Of course, they are counterbalanced by their main traitor, agent Abdullah Hamdok: a glaring example of death of conscience, lack of shame and shame. the superior ability to face shame, corruption and betrayal with ease, passion and ease…

++ He meets the rebel Abdel Wahed Muhammad Nour, who brandishes his weapons and fuels regional and tribal conflicts. They sign a declaration targeting a homeland and a people who are distinguished by the fact that they bring misery, misfortune and misery…

++ Show me a despicable trifle that can speak of treachery, fraud and evil that is more vile than Hamdok??!! And he deserves the first place to sell his homelands, waste their traditions and work hard for the destruction of the nation more than this ((Anblock))???!!!…

++ If we have a message for this arrogant traitor, it is a message consisting of four words that represent the feelings of every jealous Sudanese citizen, the content of which is: ((The torrent has reached its peak))!!!!

Omar Capo

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