The popular resistance…should we kill it or did it commit suicide??? – Budgets – ✍️ Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

From a large square in the east of the city of Al-Damer, more than six months ago, the first cry and popular call was for a popular building that supports and assists the armed forces and works above all to secure areas and villages that thieves and immoral people can reach the aim of plundering, plundering and committing atrocities…

People lined up and shouted that day, and the Nile government and its security committee, including the artillery commander, took to the podium. They all confirmed their willingness to arm the resistance from army stocks and fill the state government's money gap. to arm those who cannot buy weapons…

The experiment spread to every state in the country that had not been defiled by the feet of the criminals, and the ranks closed with the determination to protect their areas and even continue to pursue the Janjaweed until the last point at the borders of Sudan…

The interventions, the haste, the clashes and the disputes occurring inside and outside this body have led to its disruption and to slowing down its movement until it freezes…

We watch the battles of the armed forces and we see them fighting these battles alone, without support.

We watch the violations and attacks by militias against security in the villages, and we do not hear of an organized response from the resistance, except for the bare torsos of some heroes with whom they confront the attackers to prevent them from stealing and violating their honor. …

Some of our people in certain tribes are the ones who controlled the popular mobilization and panic in their situation, and they stopped the aggressors outside their areas and prevented them from entering and even inflicted casualties on them, which made them play away from the fire. ..

We were waiting for the organized popular armed resistance to enter the areas that the army entered and work to clean them, disinfect them and guard them to prevent further infiltration…

We expected a fully armed popular resistance to guard the entrances and exits that were not part of army areas and bases…

We expected popular resistance to fill the gaps and support the armed forces in the event of a breakthrough and breach that would destroy the vehicles, as happened in the last two days.

We expected the birth of a disciplined resistance which would use weapons only where appropriate and which would be able to organize itself in close coordination with the armed forces in all…

We miss all that now and we watch the armed forces fight and liberate and find no one to guard what they liberated. ​​They enter battle after battle and are exposed to betrayal and find no one to support them and fill the gaps. All of this is happening and before that we watch as militias sweep through village after village and find no one to repel or confront the criminals…

What we expect is that we should not wait too long to activate this resistance and avoid restricting it except to achieve the objectives, support the army and possess the weapons that will allow it to confront these invaders who do not could not have taken a sandal anywhere if they were not in possession of weapons…

God was helping everyone

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