Under the direct sponsorship of the Nile Governor, the implementation of vital projects in the locality of Abu Hamad, led by the Delta Bridge, Al-Jazeera Headquarters and the Western Road, Al-Sanqir or Umm Safaya, began.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Badawi Abdul Majid Abu Qarun, Acting Governor of Nile, confirmed that roads represent the pillar of development, revival and development. This came to me in his office in Damer with a delegation from the National Roads and Development Authority. Bridges, led by engineer Jaafar Hassan Adam, director general of the Authority, in the presence and participation of Mr. Mubarak Abbas, a leader of the locality of Abou Hamad.

He reassured Mr. Governor on the ongoing measures taken by the National Roads and Bridges Authority to implement projects in the locality of Abou Hamad, the most important of which is the creation of the Delta bridge on the island as headquarters, where it has been agreed with a consultant to design the pipelines in a short and precise time, provided that it does not exceed two weeks, and the cost of the study and design of the project will be paid to equal shares between the authority and the locality of Abu Hamad. agreed to implement the Al-Sinqir-Um Safaya road project with a length of 170 kilometers, so that the study, design and financing procedures of the project can begin, provided that the cost of studies and design will be paid equally between the National Roads and Bridges Authority and Abu Hamad locality, then the known procedures will be completed to begin the implementation of the project once the designs are completed.

For his part, the Governor described these projects as vital and important, which will have a great and significant impact on the advancement of economic, developmental and social work at the nation, state and local levels. of Abou Hamad, especially since the locality of Abou Hamad is considered one of the productive localities in the mining, agricultural and tourist fields, the governor affirmed his full sponsorship of these projects until they are seeing the light of day, the governor gave good news of the start of work on the road projects in Buhaira. soon, God willing, and its importance as a promising locality to catch up with the rest of the localities. He also gave good news of the imminent start of the rehabilitation and implementation of internal roads in Damar and Atbara, God willing. added that the development process would extend to all localities and regions of the state.

For his part, Engineer Jaafar Hassan Adam, Director General of the National Roads and Bridges Authority, affirmed his full commitment to everything agreed between them and the state, welcoming the efforts of the governor and his continuation continued work of the Authority to bring these major projects with economic and social impact to fruition.

The leader, Mr. Mubarak Abbas, expressed his great satisfaction with these measures aimed at implementing these projects, which, according to him, were long awaited by the citizens and residents of the locality of Abou Hamad and are considered like the dream of every citizen and all the inhabitants of Abou Hamad. that the locality dreamed of. He expressed deep thanks and appreciation to the governor for his interaction and interest in developmental projects and services across the state, stressing that these projects will serve the entire state and extend even to the states of country. As Abu Hamad locality has become a destination for all Sudanese to work and earn a decent living, they also commended the National Roads and Bridges Authority, headed by the Director General, for its concern to implement these projects. .

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