Dongola Specialized Hospital: A story that touches and inspires us all Thank you from the bottom of my heart: Recognition for the efforts of the workers at the Dongola Specialized Hospital ✍️ Mr. Abdel Wahab Department

In the name of God the Merciful

✍️ Deputy to the Police Pension, Mr. Abdel Wahab

Indeed, circumstances brought me to the Dongola Specialized Hospital to visit one of my relatives. I was impressed by the exceptional performance of this hospital which has been lacking for a long time, but thanks to the leaders of this hospital, including its general. director, the patient and steadfast Dr. Fatima Haroun Saeed, consultant in family medicine, who dispersed to work only for this hospital, abandoning her specialty despite its rarity, because she believes that this mission is a trust in her possession and must be executed in. in the required manner so that she has neither shame nor regret on the Day of Resurrection, together with the medical director and his medical assistants in cooperation and coordination with all medical and other auxiliary personnel, and they work in the one-team spirit, keeping in mind the vision of the Ministry of Health (the community benefits from the highest levels of health). Therefore, they are making continuous efforts and implementing health measures to combat infection while ensuring easy access to health services and ensuring sound health care. We noticed the cleanliness of all the contents of the rooms and corridors, removing stains and accumulated dirt that we used to see in the past, and the floors are cleaned with chlorine until stains such as the coagulated blood stains are removed and the unpleasant odors that emerge. bathrooms, etc. disappear.

As for the medical field, there is a development and stability in the provision of therapeutic services in a good manner due to the availability of medical staff and the high morale of this staff despite the increase in the number of patients, both residents and expatriates, and all departments are functioning. , including x-rays, ultrasound, electrocardiogram, physiotherapy and intensive care, which work with all enthusiasm and activity, with an expansion of the laboratory providing all the tests, and efforts are made to provide a tissue department in the laboratory. there are also reference clinics for all specialties which operate on the days indicated to them. There is also the presence of an oxygen plant, but it is stopped these days due to a technician, despite its extreme importance in critical cases. be put back into service so that patients are not transferred to other hospitals.

There are also specialties considered rare in this hospital, such as plastic surgery, brain, nerves, vessels and arteries.

In fact, if we try to enumerate the efforts of this hospital, represented by its management, we cannot do it justice. These words come from the category of someone who doesn't thank people, doesn't thank God, and despite these efforts, this hospital. what they do, attention has not been focused on this subject in order to encourage them to make more effort and give more.

Greetings and gratitude to everyone who works at this vital facility, including nurses, workers, doctors and administrators. We ask God to grant them success.

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