Erdoul: Citizens of South Kordofan “ate tree branches”… and preventing “Al-Hilu” relief is a crime that requires a complaint to the criminal court

A number of leaders from South Kordofan State and the Democratic Alliance for Social Justice Party have threatened to speak out against citizen starvation, stressing that they are on the verge of escalating and resorting to the International Criminal Court, to prevent the arrival of humanitarian aid to the two regions, including passage to citizens, by members of the Popular Movement north of the Nuba Mountains, demanding that leader Abdul Aziz Al-Helu, leader of the Popular Movement north of the Nuba Mountains, allows the entry of humanitarian aid, while the Democratic Alliance for Social Justice Party accused the Popular Movement, the wing of Al-Helu, of prevent the passage of humanitarian aid and food, calling what he did in preventing the arrival of humanitarian aid in both regions a war crime that requires prosecution. According to the criminal court, the joint responsibility for opening the roads and the Kadugli airport lies with the SPLM.

Democratic Alliance for Social Justice party leader Mubarak Erdol said during a news conference on the repercussions of the failed humanitarian aid deal for the two regions, in the lobby of the Tower of social Security :

The current situation, after citizens reached advanced stages of hunger, forced them to eat tree leaves, in addition to the failure of the agricultural season due to the security situation, attacking the signing by Al- Helu of an agreement of progress which does not constitute an addition to the afflicted. citizens and that citizen consciousness has overtaken them, adding that history has not forgotten the positions of the Umma Party, which supported citizens with weapons in the 1970s, he continued by affirming that obstructing upon the arrival of aid is considered a crime against humanity which requires it to be brought before the criminal court.

Erdol stressed that past conflicts can be overlooked, but what affects people's livelihoods cannot be glossed over, emphasizing that citizens are suffering from siege and hunger.

In a related context, Alia Abuna said that what is happening in the two regions is a systematic famine of citizens, accusing the leader Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu of dictatorship and neutrality on the path to democracy he speaks of, noting that The demanding liberation movements signed several peace agreements after the fall of the previous regime, except for the Al-Hilu wing, which persisted in signing them.

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