Stop betraying Al-Burhan and the army – The edge of the sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 We have said before and we repeat today that Sudan is facing an almost global war in which more than (11) countries of mercenaries and employees are participating, in addition to the Rebel Rapid Support Forces, all those forces that were planning to take power within the country. In just a few hours, the army heroes spoiled their plans to seize power and expel the Sudanese from their lands and homes, so the alternative remains the diaspora Arabs and mercenaries occupying the country. and divide it according to the wrong countries. known to all intended persons.

0 The army, which has canceled all supported war plans, is facing a frenzied and systematic campaign these days to betray Lieutenant General Al-Burhan, and the armed forces are raising suspicions about them to sow discord, hatred and resentment and spread hostilities between them. people. This is exactly what Rapid Support Media and those who support its media from abroad are planning. Let us ask ourselves here: have you heard about the media, fighters or militia activists who betray Hemedti, the dead, the living, or the living, the dead? ? Have you heard from them and those who support their line that they have betrayed Abd al-Rahim Daglo or one of their leaders, even though the elders among them have disappeared from the scene and no longer appear or make more declarations? Despite this, we have not heard of anyone betraying their leader or their fighting forces.

Al-Burhan and his armed forces proved this statement through action as they waged war on the axes, achieving victory after victory, especially after the mobilization forces and joint forces caught up with them and taught the militias combat lessons. We all know that war comes and goes. Killed and injured. Killer and killed. But let us look at the part of the cup that is full, not the part that is empty.

0 Al-Burhan, his army and those who support them, what have they done in this war? What they did was destroy 12 entire camps with their equipment, weapons and missiles, kill over 50,000 militiamen and their mercenaries and destroy over 1,300 Thatchers loaded with all types of modern weapons. The army won its victories in armor. vehicles, the Serkab, the Central Reserve and the crew. Radio, television, engineers, Karari and 70% of Omdurman were liberated, as well as advances in the Bahri, East Nile, Khartoum and Jabal al-Awliya axes. The army now stands with all its strength and firmness in the battles of El. -Fasher, the Al-Jili refinery and the town of Al-Abyad Al-Haganah or Resh.

0 The army only made the presence of its leader, Al-Burhan, among the soldiers and the visit to the places of combat from one place to another. After all this, and unfortunately, we hear those who betray Al-Burhan, its army, the joint forces and the mobilized, forget or forget that war is a plan that calls in advance whenever it requires it, and also withdrawal at some point. when retirement should take place. Yes, this is how wars are fought and this is how they are fought. Therefore, we see no justification for those who betray Burhan and his army and sow frustration among the citizens.

0 Almighty God has said in His Holy Book. (O you who believe, avoid all suspicion. Some suspicion is sin.) God Almighty has spoken the truth. It is as if the spokesperson of our heroic army is repeating the words of the poet Ahmed Al-Siddiq when he said:

We fight and die

And you have pure intentions…

The cannon hit the minnow

The creatures jump…

We come to strike

Into the ground and shake..

There is no coward among us

The pet peeves of war…

In the land of redemption

We receive it, we deliver it

We wore khakis

Sudan has its own goals

Every vile traitor

We kill them and destroy their glory

0 We know that war means destruction and displacement, but we are in a difficult situation. Either we exist or we don't exist. This requires us all to be one man, while some leave betrayal and shame to the heroes who sleep on the ground and cover the sky.

And tomorrow, Sudan, you will grow up.

Stay higher and stay cooler

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remaining life. And the God of intention behind it.

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