National unity is a key for the Imam ✍️Taha Haroun Hamed

Certainly, the political establishment, civil society, civil administration and the population can play a vital role in preventing missed opportunities for those hiding in the country and in preserving the unity of Sudan by fighting against seditious speeches, intimidation and incitement to division. . These parties represent the fundamental pillars of building a society dominated by tolerance and peaceful coexistence, and they also represent the forces supporting the rule of law, justice, equality, accountability and good governance.

Exploiting internal conflicts and inciting people against each other poses a great danger to the stability of the country and can lead to violent explosions and social disintegration. Therefore, these parties must come together and cooperate to meet this challenge.

The political force must work to strengthen national unity and avoid seditious speeches which cause internal divisions. They should focus on issues that bring people together rather than stoking old conflicts.

As for civil society, it plays an important role in spreading the culture of tolerance, human rights and social justice. By rejecting hate speech, non-governmental organizations and charities can help improve understanding between members of society and provide support to victims. intimidation and incitement, and repair the harm caused.

As for the civil administration, it has an important role to play in ensuring that services and opportunities are distributed equitably to all members of society, without discrimination. It must strive to improve transparency and accountability in the management of public resources and guarantee everyone's participation in decision-making.

As for the population, it has an important role to play in rejecting incitement, discrimination and intimidation, and in promoting a culture of peace, tolerance and coexistence.

Through cooperation between these parties, we can make real progress in building a society dominated by stability, solidarity and peaceful coexistence. Changing extremist mindsets requires integrated and continuous efforts from all sectors of society, and this is the only way to build a bright future for Sudan.

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