The National Initiative for Newspaper Editors to End the War in Sudan – The Face of Truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

During the symposium organized this week by the editors of Sudanese newspapers, which brought together Bakhita Amin, Sumaya Al-Sayyid, Othman Marghani, Al-Hindi Izz Al-Din and Al-Nur Ahmed Al-Nour, I concluded the importance of consensus on the Sudanese dialogue. Where the people gathered felt the national, historical and moral responsibility towards the homeland. This led them to unanimously agree, as editors-in-chief of several Sudanese newspapers, to propose a national initiative to end the war, like the ambassadors' conference that they organized (the current situation and ways to stop the war in Sudan). declared the need for the unity of Sudanese political forces and a Sudanese dialogue to end the war. They stressed the importance of making concessions by all political forces without exception. They also stressed the need for civil society to stand up with all its components to play an effective and influential role in bringing peace to the country. good discussion at the symposium which was based on good foundations and which began by defining the crisis and presenting a number of fundamental questions on the possibility of achieving lasting peace and on how to activate the initiative of the newspaper editors to end the war, by contacting all political actors. It was also confirmed that there are clear repercussions on the Sudanese reality that could lead to state collapse and that there is an opportunity to overcome state fragmentation.

The speakers also stressed that the responsibility for peace lies with everyone in the face of what is happening in our country… where the catastrophic humanitarian situation and the humanitarian battle that we are waging are the responsibility of the country alone, without human rights or International organisations. All these introductions end with the importance of Sudanese journalists leading public opinion to end the war. Through the Sudanese dialogue which excludes no one.

This requires the unity of political forces, considered the serious gateway to the solution and the key to peace, and it requires overcoming political bitterness between the parties… to achieve lasting peace.

A summary of the proposed initiative is as follows: After a year and a month of war that has hit our country, destroyed its infrastructure and economy, displaced millions of people from their homes and forced migrants, and left thousands dead and innocent wounded, A number of Sudanese newspaper editors and editors called and agreed to launch a national initiative to end the war. We have come to you to actively contribute to silencing the guns, unifying opinion and vision, forgetting disagreements and differences and overcoming bitterness. and the battles of the past. Everything will be easier for Sudan. The initiative confirmed that it is working on:

1- A permanent ceasefire which establishes a fundamental transition phase seeking between the parties to implement the decisions of the Jeddah agreement.

2- A Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue does not exclude any party from agreeing on minimum national contributions.

3- Call on political forces, Sudanese civil society organizations and the international and regional community to support the Sudanese dialogue.

Observers unanimously agreed that the initiative is good and is considered a successful step towards establishing peace in our country after the Sudanese parties failed to reach a formula of consensus that would preserve the security and stability of the country, alleviate the suffering of citizens and close the open door to international and regional interventions in the internal affairs of our country. This is why the issue requires more serious efforts, which start first by expanding the base of initiators among newspaper editors and columnists… and then announcing it with a press conference. bringing together all news agencies, satellite channels and media professionals… and remotely entering into the formation of communication groups of initiators with political forces through restrictions… to achieve a formula that allows to stop the war and enter it. a comprehensive political process that does not exclude anyone through a round table organized inside the country… it must emphasize the importance of taking into account the recent history of Sudan, which rebuilt the State within a deadline known after the April revolution which overthrew the regime of President Jaafar Numeiri. , where national skills were presented to manage the transition phase, characterized by a short period (one year), during which the political parties dedicated themselves to the arrangement of their internal chamber in view of the legislative elections, considered as the only way it is possible to rebuild the modern Sudanese state governed by the rule of law and committed to establishing a democratic civil government system, in which competitors are equal before the electoral polls. This is why the national initiative of the Sudanese newspaper. There remains, according to the editors, a glimmer of hope emerging again to stop the bloodshed of the Sudanese people and block the path to foreign interference.

May you always be well, (email protected)

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