It happened on this day, May 25


240 BC – First discovery of Halley's Comet.

1085 – The fall of Toledo to the Castilians, and this was the beginning of the successive fall of the strongholds of Islam in Andalusia until the end of the Islamic presence with the fall of Granada in the year 897 AH, corresponding in the year 1492. .

1571 – Pope Pius V concludes a treaty of understanding with the King of Spain, Carlos V, as well as a number of Christian countries to fight the Ottoman Empire. This is the thirteenth Christian agreement led by Christian Europe against the Ottoman Empire.

1805 – Napoleon Bonaparte crowns himself king of Italy.

1810 – Declaration of independence of Argentina.

1846 – Prince Louis Napoleon escapes from “ChΓ’teau de Ham” where he was imprisoned and later becomes Emperor Napoleon III.

1882 – The British and French consuls in Egypt submit a memorandum requesting that Ahmed Orabi be expelled from Egypt while retaining his rank and salary, and that “Ali Pasha Fahmy” and “Abdel-Al Pasha Helmy Β» be sent to the countryside. during the Orabi revolution.

1909 – French forces occupy southern Morocco.

1914 – The House of Commons approves home rule in Ireland.

1921 – Bloody demonstrations in Alexandria after Saad Zaghloul's speech force the Ministry of Justice to resign.

1925 – Reza Khan declares himself Shah of Iran and becomes the first king of the Pahlavi state in Iran. He carries out a general military coup.

In 1921, he became Minister of War then Prime Minister before being appointed governor.

1926 – The Rif War in Morocco ends with the capitulation of its leader, Abdel Karim Al-Khattabi, to French forces.

1942 – Germany launches its attack on Stalingrad and the Caucasus during World War II.

1946 – Prince Abdullah becomes king of the Emirate of Transjordan after pledging allegiance as king and changing the emirate's name to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

1946 – King Abdullah I bin Al Hussein declares the independence of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

1961 – U.S. President John F. Kennedy announces during a meeting in Congress his intention to send a human mission to the Moon.

1963 – 30 African countries announce the creation of the Organization of African Unity in Addis Ababa.

1969 – Jaafar al-Numeiri leads a coup called the “May Revolution” against the government of Muhammad Ahmad al-Mahjoub and seizes power in Sudan.

1973 – The American space laboratory, known as Skylab, is launched into space from the Kennedy Space Center. The American Apollo spacecraft with 3 astronauts docked at Skylab and orbiting the Earth.

1979 – Israel withdraws from the city of Al-Arish and returns it to Egypt in accordance with the Camp David Accords.

✴️ Start of the first negotiations between Egypt and Israel on the establishment of Palestinian autonomy in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

1981 – Rulers of the Emirates, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan of Bahrain, Sheikh Isa bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, King Khalid bin Abdulaziz of Oman, Sultan Qaboos bin Said of Qatar, Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad and the Kuwait, Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad. , establish, after their meeting in Abu Dhabi, the Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Gulf.

1985 – The Emir of the State of Kuwait, Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, was the victim of an assassination attempt when one of the cars parked in the middle of the road curb attempted to break in in the convoy which was heading towards the emir's office at Seif Palace, which caused it to explode with the explosive materials it was carrying and set fire to a number of cars and carriages in the convoy, the other nearby, the accident killed three people in addition to the perpetrator, including a large number. injured following the explosion.

1992 – Sudanese karate player Hashem Badr El-Din attacked Hassan Al-Turabi in Ottawa, Canada.

2000 – The Israeli army completes its withdrawal from southern Lebanon. This withdrawal results from the strong pressure caused by the operations of the Lebanese resistance on the positions of the Israeli army and the army of South Lebanon.

2004 – General Janice Karpinski, head of Abu Ghraib prison, is suspended from duty following incidents of torture at the prison.

2008 – The Lebanese Parliament elects army commander General Michel Suleiman as President of the Lebanese Republic after a presidential vacuum that lasted six months since the end of the mandate of former President Emile Lahoud, in application of the Doha agreement.

2009 – Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah said in his speech on the occasion of Resistance and Liberation Day that the report by the German magazine Der Spiegel, which accused the party of assassinating the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, was very dangerous and he considered it as a new conspiracy aimed at creating conflicts between Sunnis and Shiites in Lebanon, and he considers it more dangerous than the Ain incident.

2014 – Closing of the 67th session of the 2014 Cannes Film Festival in France.

2017 – The Egyptian government blocked more than 60 opposition websites, including 48 news sites.

2018 – Activation of the European General Data Protection System in all member states of the European Union, which imposes strict protection of data and user privacy in all these countries.

2019 – 45 passengers were killed and dozens missing in a shipwreck in Lake Mai Ndombe in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

2020 – George Floyd, a black man, was killed in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during his arrest, sparking massive protests in the United States and around the world.



1713 – John Stuart, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

1728 – Shaker bin Mustafa Al-Amri, Hanafi jurist, Sufi and Syro-Ottoman poet.

1803 – Ralph Waldo Emerson, American philosopher.

1865 – John Raleigh Mott, American missionary who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1865

1946. Peter Zemen, Dutch physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1902.

1887 – Padre Pio, Italian saint.

1889 – Igor Sikorsky, Russian-American aviation pioneer.

1892 – Josip Broz Tito, president of Yugoslavia.

1908 – Theodore Roethke, American poet.

1921 – Jack Steinberger, American-German physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1988.

1939 – Ian McKellen, English actor.

1942 – Nadia Shams El Din, Egyptian actress.

1948 – Klaus Meine, German singer of the group Scorpions.

1951 – Souad Hussein, Kuwaiti actress and media personality.

1953 – Daniel Passarella, Argentine footballer.

1968 – Wafaa Amer, Egyptian actress.

1969 – Anne Hache, American actress.

1970 – Satsuki Yukino, Japanese actress.

1972 – Ahlam Hassan, Kuwaiti actress.

1976 – Cillian Murphy, Irish actor.

1979 – Carlos Bocanegra, American footballer.

1980 – David Navarro, Spanish footballer.

1982 – Daniel Braaten, Norwegian footballer.

1985 – Roman Reigns, American wrestler.

1986 – Yoan Gouvran, French footballer.

1987 – Nahed El Sebaei, Egyptian actress.

1992 – Yasser Al-Shahrani, Saudi footballer.



986 – Abd al-Rahman bin Omar al-Sufi, Persian Muslim engineer and astronomer.

1555 – Henry II, king of the Kingdom of Navarre.

1983 – King Muhammad Idris Al-Senussi, king of the Kingdom of Libya.

1995 – Ahmed bin Rashid Al Sheikh Mubarak, Saudi poet and journalist.

2008 – Fahd Al-Dahmash, Saudi football referee.

2014 – Matthew Saad Muhammad, American boxer and trainer. Wojciech Jaruzelski, Polish general and politician.

2015 – Mary Ellen Mark, American photographer and journalist.


Holidays and Occasions:

◀️Africa Day.

◀️ Independence Day in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

◀️ National holiday in Argentina.

◀️ Resistance and Liberation Day in Lebanon.

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