The battle for dignity, lessons of patriotism and positions on history (2) ✴️ Another angle ✴️ ✍️ Dr. Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam

The established faith determines that the believer's affairs are all good, and numerous trials and misfortunes are a reason to stabilize positions, review them and correct paths. Perhaps one of the benefits of this war is that it shows the true nature of the people. from the city of Al-Abyad, for whom patriotism, protection of the land and honor were among the most important commonalities on which you agree.

The material and moral support programs that the citizens of this steadfast city offer to the army and regular services are nothing more than an application of the slogan (One people, one army).

The program of moral and material support for soldiers on the front lines, which was implemented by the Al-Obeid Will Not Die Initiative and the Employers' Union, is an excellent work with many positive connotations and messages, the qualitative participation of the Al-Obeid Will Not Die Initiative and the Employers' Union. The community of Obeid town and the symbolism of the initiative. It is an expressive painting of the nationalism and patriotism of this city and the love of its inhabitants for it. This painting is decorated with the meeting of men holding the trigger and the embers. the cause, patient in the heat of the trenches, committing itself before God and promising itself either victory or martyrdom. Men met men, and between the takbir, the applause, the tears and the enthusiasm, the messages arrived: donation, fidelity, supplication and gratitude, and Al-Abyad remains the city of firmness and Al-Haganah, the icon of the armed forces, and Al-Abyad remains an icon of the armed forces. The Haganah applies the slogan as a living reality (an army). – a person).

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